Oral/ Idea of progress
Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En basMessage de flo7 posté le 21-04-2019 à 17:51:23 (S | E | F)
je suis en terminale et passe donc bientôt les oraux de langues. Serait-il possible de m'aider à corriger ma synthèse
Merci d'avance pour votre aide.
The notion I'm going to deal with is « Idea of progress ». First, let me define the notion. Progress can be defined as a change or a development to make the world better. This notion can be illustrated with the example of Swinging sixties. The Swinging sixties remain the defining decade for britain. In fact, the 1950's in Britain were in black and white but the sixties were colourful. From a stern and conservative country, the UK turned into a land of affluence, freedom and excitement.
My question will be : Why were the 1960's a time of progress in the United Kingdom ?
This period signalled the beginning of an area in which women began to acquire more power.For example, in politics. Since the sixties, more women have been involved in British politics. In 1968, Barbara Castle became the first woman to be appointed First Secretary of State. Then, women began acquire more power at work. In 1968, in the Ford car factory in Dangenham, several underpaid women led by Rita O'grady decided to walk out in protest against pay discrimination. We studied in class an document that talks about this event. It's an extract of a film scripted « Made in Dagenham ». In this extract, Rita O'grady, a sewing machinist and leader of females strikers and some of her co-workers are meeting Barbara Castle. Rita demands, 90 per cent of the male salary. Finally, in the seventies, a law on equal pay between men and women will be passed. Moreover, the contraception pillul was available in 1967.
Secondly, the 1960's also brought changes as to politics. We studied the document « The real story behind Britain rockn'roll ». It's an extract of an article about pirate radio stations on boats in the 1960's. Pirate radio stations had started broadcasting illegaly in the mid-sixties on old ships in the north sea challenging the monopoly of the state radio system. It's a group of rebellious, rock loving disk-jockeys who started these radio stations. Pirate radio stations were launched because British Broadcasting Corp didn't broadcast enough pop music. Young people wanted to listen to American rock singers. But, all pirate stations closed by 1968. Pirate radio stations had a political impact. However, in the early 1970's, the law changed and private stations were allowed. This movement contributed to a greater freedom of speech and democracy in the UK.
Tecnological progress could be affardable for many and drastically changed people's lives. The introduction in houlseholds of tv sets, mini radio sets, record playing systems and small motorbikes along with already existing cars marked the beginning of a society in which leisure was to take a much bigger place. Then, we studied in class an recording entitled « Memories of Sixties » In this recording, we can hear Pete. According to him,the 1960's were a great time for technology. Pete remembers his transistor radio and his first colour TV. In fact, colour television was first broadcast at the end of 1967.
To conclude, the 1960's were a decade of rapid change. During this period, progress has been made in all areas : tecnological progress, social progress, political progress.. These changes have allowed greater freedom. Moreover, thanks to these progress, leisure has become an important part of society.
Modifié par lucile83 le 21-04-2019 19:35
Réponse : Oral/ Idea of progress de gerold, postée le 21-04-2019 à 20:09:06 (S | E)
Bonjour flo7
Quelques remarques pour vous aider. Lorsqu'un mot est signalé sans commentaire particulier, cela veut dire qu'il est mal écrit.
The notion I'm going to deal with is « Idea of progress ». First, let me define the notion. Progress can be defined as a change or a development to make the world better. This notion can be illustrated with the example of xx (il manque un mot) Swinging sixties. The Swinging sixties remain the defining decade for britain. In fact, the 1950's in Britain were in black and white but the sixties were colourful. From a stern and conservative country, the UK turned into a land of affluence, freedom and excitement.
My question will be : Why were the 1960's a time of progress in the United Kingdom ?
This period signalled un autre verbe conviendrait mieux the beginning of an area area désigne un lieu, pas une période in which women began to acquire more power.For example, in politics. Since the sixties, more women have been involved in British politics. In 1968, Barbara Castle became the first woman to be appointed First Secretary of State. Then, women began xx acquire more power at work. In 1968, in the Ford car factory in Dangenham, several underpaid women led by Rita O'grady decided to walk out in protest against pay discrimination. We studied in class an le mot suivant ne commence pas par une voyelle document that talks un article ne parle pas about this event. It's an extract of a film scripted voulez-vous dire "intitulé "? « Made in Dagenham ». In this extract, Rita O'grady, a sewing machinist and leader of females strikers and some of her co-workers are meeting Barbara Castle. Rita demands
Secondly, the 1960's also brought changes as to politics. We studied the document « The real story behind Britain xx il manque quelque chose rockn'roll ». It's an extract of an article about pirate radio stations on boats in the 1960's. Pirate radio stations had started broadcasting illegaly in the mid-sixties on old ships in the north sea challenging the monopoly of the state radio system. It's a group of rebellious, rock loving disk-jockeys who started these radio stations. Pirate radio stations were launched because xx British Broadcasting Corp didn't broadcast enough pop music. Young people wanted to listen to American rock singers. But, all pirate stations closed by 1968. Pirate radio stations had a political impact. However, in the early 1970's, the law changed and private stations were allowed. This movement contributed to a greater freedom of speech and more democracy in the UK.
Tecnological progress could be mieux : "est devenu" affardable for many and drastically changed people's lives. The introduction in houlseholds of tv sets, mini radio sets, record playing systems and small motorbikes along with already existing cars marked the beginning of a society in which leisure was to take a much bigger place. Then, we studied in class an recording entitled « Memories of Sixties » In this recording, we can hear Pete. According to him,the 1960's were a great time for technology. Pete remembers his transistor radio and his first colour TV. In fact, colour television was first broadcast at the end of 1967.
To conclude, the 1960's were a decade of rapid change. During this period, progress has been made plutôt le prétérit in all areas : tecnological progress, social progress, political progress.. These changes have allowed greater freedom. Moreover, thanks to these le mot suivant est au singulier progress, leisure has become même remarque an important part of society.
Réponse : Oral/ Idea of progress de flo7, postée le 22-04-2019 à 11:42:11 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour la correction.
Oui c'est bien "intitulé" que je voulais dire. Je l'ai remplacé par "entitled".
Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais