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L'une chante... /Thème

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L'une chante... /Thème
Message de violet91 posté le 25-07-2015 à 00:23:45 (S | E | F)
Hello dear all, survivors [s´ vvz] and newcomers ( very nice to see you) ,

--Voici un petit voyage d'agrément , comme promis ! L'année a été fructueuse et vous avez travaillé dur , le plus souvent . Un jour,, une de mes amies m'a dit- en riant -'mais il faut être malade pour prendre l'autoroute du nord en plein Juillet ! Regarde ! Tous les autres descendent ! ' Que nenni ! Le jeu et son début en valaient la chandelle = the result was worth the trouble . ( In another context, you could find ' Is the game worth the candle ? The game is not worth the candle ' ( more frequent in the negative form ) -or street slang 'The juice isn't worth the squeeze ' . But I think this memory is worth telling ( gerund ) and a good example of British composure [km'pj] 'jeur ('phlegm ) and humour . I hope it will bring you some lightness (of spirits) and a relaxing moment .
Merci à la ' grande petite' Agnès Varda de me laisser emprunter ce titre de film profond et savoureux qui fit impression dans les ' late seventies' et m'avait aussi beaucoup touchée( 1977 +++) .' Travel broadens the mind ' , car quelques années plus tard ...

--------------------------" L'une chante , l'autre pas ." Thème perhaps ----------- ---------

--- I ] C'était la première fois que la mini Morris blanche au toit noir retournait dans son pays , volant à gauche pour conduite à gauche . Pas de confiance aveugle en une passagère novice ; il vaut mieux ne compter que sur sa propre assurance , de toute façon , et en avoir une bonne*,à côté .
Les voilà parties pour le meilleur ! Or, après les falaises de craie , le château de Douvres, et quelques bons kilomètres ( miles) sur l'autoroute M 20 en route pour la capitale , une discrète fumée blanche s'échappait de dessous le capot . Ailleurs, c'eût pu être bon signe ! La conductrice à peine inquiète, toute à son bonheur d'être sur le sol britannique , mit le clignotant gauche pour prendre la première bretelle venue . Alors, comme un sourire de réconfort, les étroits chemins de verdure se dévoilèrent, typiques à souhait , et çà comme là , sur les rondes collines , des moutons bicolores mignonnement assortis au petit véhicule, pouvaient toujours bêler en 'baa' , comme ils disent .
A l'entrée d'un charmant village fleuri , comme s'il l'avait attendue , un mécanicien aux joues vermeil , roux et solidement bâti , salopette flottante , godillots fatigués , se tenait au bord de la fermeture et de la retraite , près d'une pompe à essence en gallons , prêt aussi à porter secours aux deux Françaises du Continent ,vous voyez l'allusion ! Accueillant et d'abord enjoué , il fut informé - sait-on jamais - de ce qu'il voyait pourtant de lui-même . L'homme mûr ouvrit le capot, des yeux ronds , et s'éloigna un instant . Soudain , image surréaliste ! Le sauveteur bleu avançait à grand peine , une longue et épaisse barre en bois - une espèce de poutrelle - en travers de l'épaule . Précautionneux , il intervint de loin et œuvra de 'l'outil 'à quelque chose ,quand en un éclair, il apparut dans un nuage blanchâtre de vapeur qui n'entama en rien son calme rare . Puis , il mit son nez dans ces affaires d'auto et de moteur -' Bonté divine ! D'où vient cette fichue fumée ? ' marmonna-t-il , un brin agacé . Les deux autres entendirent un clonc , un taptap, un bang , un pchiiii...enfin un grognement un peu impressionnant . Finis les cœurs légers ! Le voyage béni allait tomber à l'eau ? Les citadines alors muettes comme des carpes , s'en remirent docilement à la compétence masculine anglaise . Le mâle sortit de ses mystères avec de drôles de questions .
- " Vous avez bien vérifié les niveaux d'huile et d'eau , avant de partir , jeune dame ? Le carter ? La courroie de transmission ? L'embrayage ? Et le joint de culasse ? " demanda l'homme avisé .
De quoi rafraîchir le vocabulaire de celle qui s'appelait Violette .

----II ] " Tout, tout , monsieur ! Même, la jauge ! N'allez pas penser que je maltraite ma petite mini ."
- " Le radiateur a pu prendre un méchant coup de chaud ! " prévint-il , une sorte de bouchon à la main . L'une entonna ' Au feu, les pompiers ,la maison qui brûle !'... Que la blague était bonne ! L'autre leva les yeux au ciel , pas loin d'exploser .
- " Hum ! Une huile pas mal encrassée , mais au niveau ' reprit-il , ' mais l'eau plus bas , madame ! Quant à votre bouchon ! Vous savez à quoi il me fait penser ? A demi pourri , tiens ! Ça explique la fuite !" La 'fautive' eut juste assez de temps pour penser ' La fuite à l'anglaise, bien sûr !' L'homme de pouvoir , reparti un instant , était déjà revenu devant le pare-chocs , yeux faussement grondeurs, mais air de conquérant ! Comment eût -il pu en être autrement , Hastings à quelques encablures ?
- " Alors , sur cette main, le vôtre, pauvre chose qui a été ! Sur l'autre, un tout neuf ! Voyez quel air il devrait doit a ! Je vous le pose et c'est cadeau en signe de bienvenue !"
Hourra ! Cris de joie et civilités des aventurières, vous imaginez .-' Vive la France et cherchez la femme ! ' s'exclama -t-il rieur et fier d'être...anglais à l'accent in-cro-ya-ble ! Toutes deux des plus reconnaissantes, lui adressèrent un au revoir supplémentaire d'un geste de la main , en quittant cette inoubliable aire de services .
L' une chanta ' Ah Ça ira , ça ira , ça ira !' Nous dormirons à Londres ! ' L'autre,soulagée, réfléchissait en souriant à une leçon future et distrayante sur les auxiliaires modaux ....

* Merci d'utiliser l'autre substantif .
----------------------------------Un fait divers enjolivé, comme une roue ! ....

Have fun , then !

Correction vers le 8 Août ? , si jour de pluie en petite Bretagne . Have a nive holiday and/or happy rest ! See you .

-------------- --------------------

Modifié par lucile83 le 25-07-2015 15:28

Réponse: L'une chante... /Thème de violet91, postée le 26-07-2015 à 12:52:06 (S | E)
Good morning dear all and enjoy this Sunday ! ( Small drops -droplets - of rain here and the garden is happy )
---...Giants'[ ' nts] Causeway.......

De la tablette au 'wide screen' P.C - La Chaussée des Géants( Ireland)-je réalise que ma plume a couru vite et que je peux sembler gourmande de traduction ! Je divise le récit en 2 parties , ce matin -up to you or ' As you like it '- de choisir ce que vous pourrez faire.L'essentiel est que vous vous distrayez avec ce petit aperçu d'Angleterre.
J'ai préféré vous conter l'histoire dans sa 'totalité ' et en effet , il peut être utile, en cette période de pérégrinations , de se pencher sur le vocabulaire automobile - what a change , isn't it ? - et déplacements en anglophonie !
'Imagine '....
Enjoy yourselves wherever you are , on the heights of the Himalayan peaks , trekking in exceptionally snowy Iceland , magical windy ( Scottish ) Highlands or the mysterious hot Algerian Desert ( that is for the most picturesque ) , walking around the amazing prehistoric stone circle ( UNESCO 1986) of Stonehenge and Avery ...visiting Joyce's Ireland and its cheerful pubs , discovering the White Cliffs of Dover....or staying in any French resort [ri'zt] ..] which is your favourite ...or just at ' home, sweet home ', as long as you can have a fruitful rest , feeling well and happy !
Now you are welcome to work here at slow , medium or full speed !...Thinking of you all !

............ ... ......See you . .......

Réponse: L'une chante... /Thème de jo06, postée le 28-07-2015 à 13:07:01 (S | E)
Hello violet91
It's the first time I work with you.
Thank you to let me try. This is my work.Hope not to be too bad...
Hello everybody,

It was the first time that the white mini Morris with the black roof, returned (went back) to her country, left-hand drive for driving on the left. No blind confidence in an inexperienced passenger ; it is better to count only on its own one, anyway, and to have a good insurance, beside. Off they go for the best! Yet, after the cliffs of chalk, the castle of Dover, and some good miles on the M20 leading to the capital, a sober white smoke was escaping from the bottom of the hood. Somewhere else it could be a positive sign! The hardly worried driver, quite in her happiness of being on the British ground, put the left indicator to get the first coming access road. Then, like a smile of comfort, the narrow paths of greenery unveil, incredibly typical, and that like there, on the round hills, bicolour sheep matched handsomely the little vehicle, could still bleat in "baa", as they say.
On the way in a charming flowery village, as he had been waiting for her, a red-cheeked,red-haired and strongly built mechanic,in floating overall,with worn clodhoppers, was standing on the edge of the closure and of the retirement, beside a gas pump in gallons (gallon-gas-pump), also ready to provide assistance to both Frenchwomen of the continent, you get the allusion! Welcoming with cheerful manner, he was informed-one never know- of what it saw nevertheless himself. The mature man opened the hood,with round eyes, and went away a moment. Suddenly, surrealist image! The blue rescuer moved forward with big effort, a long and thick wooden bar-a kind of girder-across the shoulder. Cautious, he intervened from a distance and worked with the tool on something, as in a flash, he appeared in a whitish cloud of vapour which didn't affect at all his uncommon composure. Then, he poked his nose in the car and engine business- "My Goodness! Where does this damned smoke come from" "he mutter to himself, slightly annoying. The other two heard a clonc, a taptap, a bang, a pchiiii"Finally a little bit impressive growl.Out the light hearts! The blessed journey was going to fail? Until then the city-dwellers as silent as graves, left it docilely to the English male skill. The male went out of his mysteries asking some odd questions.
"Have you well checked the levels of oil and water, before starting, young lady? The casing? The transmission belt? The clutch? And the head gasket?" The wise man asked.
Whereof it's a way to help vocabulary of the one who was called Violette.

"Everything, sir ! Even the gauge! Don't think I mistreat my little mini."
"The radiator could have got a bad heat!" he warned, a kind of cap in the hand. One started singing "Fire! Firemen, fire! The house is burning..!(Thanks to Google)How funny was the jock! The other raised her eyes to heaven, not far off blowing up.
"Hem! A quite dirtied oil, but at level" he added," but the water at the lowest, ma'am! As for your cap! You know what it reminds me? Half-rotten, look! That explains the leak!" The "guilty" had just enough time to think "To take French leave" of course! The powerful man, left for a while, was already returned in front of the bumpers, his eyes falsely scolding, but a look of conqueror! how could it be different, Hastings not far away?
"Now, on this hand, yours, poor thing it has been! On the other, a brand-new! See which air it must look is!(Too tricky) I put it and it's free as a sign of welcome!"
Hooray! Cheers and pleasantries of the adventuresses, you imagine.-"Vive la France and look for the woman!" he exclaimed cheerful and proud to be English with an in-cre-dible accent! Both, the most grateful, gave him a wave once more, leaving this unforgettable service area.
One sang "Ah ça ira , ça ira , ça ira !' Nous dormirons à Londres ! (They are French, aren't they ?).It'll be fine, it'll be fine, it'll be fine! We'll sleep in London!
The other, relieved, was thinking about a next amusing lesson on the modal auxiliaries in smiling.

It looks like a +.
Thank you for the previous idioms.
for this very interesting exercise.

Réponse: L'une chante... /Thème de violet91, postée le 28-07-2015 à 13:33:09 (S | E)
Hello Joe ! Incredible ! Just as I was getting a little puzzled ... Welcome ! You have done a great job , here, posting the entire translation ! Thank you ever so much for coming so fast and being humorous as well !
You are paving the way , I should think ! You must be right for the 3-star petrol !
Have a lovely day ! Cheers to you !

Réponse: L'une chante... /Thème de maylin, postée le 28-07-2015 à 17:09:39 (S | E)
This is my feeble attempt at translating part of the second translation.
I apologize in advance for all the mistakes that my work contains, and I hope to make progress with all of you.

- Everything, sir, every single thing! Even the gauge! Don't think I (would ever) mistreat my little mini.
- The radiator looks like the heat might have gotten to it, he warned, holding some kind of cap in his hand.
Someone started singing "Fire! Firemen, fire! The house is burning . . ." That was such a witty joke! The other person rolled their eyes, about to explode.
- Hm! The oil is pretty dirty, but it's at the right level, he continued. But the water... its level is as low as can be, ma'am! As for your cap! Do you know what it reminds me of? It's half rotten, I tell you! That's why your car has been leaking!

I'll stop here, and hope to have more time to finish translating the whole passage.

Self-correction (after feedback) of the first part:
The radiator seems to have been affected by the heat. The other person rolled her eyes
its level is as low as it can be. I'm telling you! That's why your car has a leak!
The "culprit" had barely had enough time to think to herself "Taking French leave/ Splitting on the sly, of course!" The man of power, who had left again in a flash/in an instant/at the drop of a hat, was already back in front of the bumper, his eyes looking falsely scolding, but with a combative air!
How could it have been otherwise, Hastings a few cable-lengths away?

Thank you very much for this opportunity to learn English.

Réponse: L'une chante... /Thème de violet91, postée le 28-07-2015 à 23:23:33 (S | E)
Hello maylin
Nice to see you too! Doing quite well, hey ! ( are you sure you are 'learning' English ?) Very willing to join the ladies at the station, it seems ....You are most welcome , indeed ...and especially being ' our' first female driver , now ! Do carry on if you can ! You are on the good motorway !!

Réponse: L'une chante... /Thème de violet91, postée le 29-07-2015 à 10:49:16 (S | E)
Hello again ,
Will you please not forget to translate the title which is quite interesting to turn into English ?
Have a lovely sunny day , 'folks ' !

Réponse: L'une chante... /Thème de jo06, postée le 29-07-2015 à 11:38:31 (S | E)
Hello violet91,
Sorry for the title:"One sings,the other doesn't"
Have a good day.

Réponse: L'une chante... /Thème de violet91, postée le 01-08-2015 à 11:55:28 (S | E)
Hello dear all and warning to the readers, ( advisory )
J'ajouterai que vous pouvez tenter d'autres onomatopées plus anglaises - garder en revanche, une ou deux expressions françaises ' plaquées ' et donner l'équivalence anglaise de 'filer à l'anglaise ' , même si la narratrice est en ...grande partie ...française !!!
If you use American words, would you please give the English ones ( between brackets )?
Good luck , enjoy yourselves and do not lose your enthusiasm . Have a splendid weekend ! See you ? xx

---------Lien internet
- - 4'38 - So great to see in Bayeux ! ( a narrow escape ! / It was stolen and going to be offered guess who(m) ? in 1944 ).
---------Lien internet
---11' All we need to know about English !
----. -----......... ----........--

William's half-brother Odo ( Bishop of Bayeux) ordered a tapestry to be made in honour of William's victory at the Battle of Hastings (1066). The BAYEUX TAPESTRY was probably made in Canterbury . It is a splendid embroidery( to sew, sewed, sewn : coudre) and not something woven ( to weave , wove , woven = tisser)

Réponse: L'une chante... /Thème de dinoza, postée le 03-08-2015 à 14:30:28 (S | E)
After a short (but seeming long to me) absence, back I am for my translation.. at last!
Hello dear Violet and hello translation fellows!
here is my share:
or so I hope at least.

The One is Singing, the Other doesn't. isn't!! shame on me!

I/ It was the first time that the white mini Morris with black roof has come back to its country of origin, wheel on the left to drive on the left. No blind confidence in an inexperienced passenger, it's better relying only on ones own confidence, anyway and have a good insurance policy aside.
Gone they are for the best! Or, after they past the chalk hills, Dover castle and some other miles on the M20 motorway in the capital city, some discreet white smoke came out of the bonnet. Elsewhere, it could have been a good thing! The driver, who was hardly worried, as happy as she was to be on the British soil, put the left indicator to take the first sliproad at sight. So, as a smile of comfort, the tight ways of greenness spread out, utterly typical, and here and there, on the round hills, a two colour sheep couple which was cutely matched to the small vehicle, could still bleat "baa" as they say.
At the Entrance of a charming flowered village, as if he had been waiting for her, a red-haired mechanic with rosy cheeks and strongly built, loosely hanging overalls and worn-out boots was standing there, on the verge of closing and retirement, next to a fuel pump in gallon, also ready to give assistance to the two French girls from the continent, you see the hint, don’t you? Welcoming and joyful at first, he learnt however – one never knows- what he saw himself. The mature man opened the bonnet, eyes wide open and moved back a moment. Suddenly, the blue saviour moved forward with great difficulties, a long and thick wooden bar, a kind of beam, across the shoulder. Cautious, he took actions from a distance and worked at something with his “tool”, when, in a flash, he appeared in a whitish steam cloud which did not break his rare peace. Then, he put his nose in his car and engine business. “My goodness! Where does this bloody smoke come from? “ he mumbled, slightly annoyed. The two others heard a “clank, a taptap, a bang, a pchiii…and finally a slightly impressive grunt. Finished the light heartedness! Was the blessed trip falling through? The city dwellers then as tight as a clam, left it the English masculine ability. The male came out of his mystery with strange questions. “ You did check the oil and water levels before leaving young ladies, didn’t you? “ The casing, the transmission gear, the clutch and the cylinder head gasket?” asked the sensible man. Something to update the vocabulary of the one called Violette.

II/ “Everything, everything, Sir! Even the gauge! Don’t think I don’t take care of my little mini." "The radiator can have undergone a bad heat! “ he warned, a kind of cap in his hand. The one started singing “Fire, fire, the house is on fire!” What a good joke! The other raised the eyes to the sky, not far from blowing up.
“Well! The oil is quite dirty but at the right level” he continued speaking “ but the water is …very low madam! Concerning your cap, you know what it makes me think of? Half rotten, here! That explains the leak. The culprit had just enough time to think “the French leave of course!” The man of power, gone for a moment was already back in front of the bumper with seemingly scolding eyes but looked like a conqueror! How could it have been different? Hasting was only a few miles away!
“So, on this hand is yours, poor thing which has been! On the other a brand-new one! See what it should, must be, it is! I set it down for free as a welcome sign!”
“Hurray!” shouts of joy and manners from adventurers, you can imagine. “Vive la France et cherchez la femme!” he exclaimed laughing and pride of being …English with an IN-CRE-DIBLE accent! Both, most grateful, waved him another goodbye, while leaving the unforgettable motorway services. The one sang “Ah ça ira ça ira ça ira! We’ll sleep in London !» The other ,relieved, was smiling while thinking of a fun future lesson on modals…

Modifié par dinoza le 03-08-2015 18:52
After several reading, I don't see what I can improve; Not that I'm satisfied with the translation but I can't do any better. And what about the punctuation? It must be awful to read! Sorry!

Réponse: L'une chante... /Thème de mamou3, postée le 04-08-2015 à 08:05:49 (S | E)
Hello Violet, hello everybody !
Thank you for this new translation to do : a very long text with a lot of unknown vocabulary and expressions ! Not easy at all ! But here is my try :
- One sings, the other one doesn't -

I. It was the first time that the white Mini Morris with its black roof had come back in its country, wheel on the left-hand side to be driven on the left-hand side.
No blind faith in an inexperienced passenger, it's better to rely only on your own self-confidence anyway and have a good insurance, beside you.
Here they are gone for the best part ! But, after the chalk cliffs, Dover Castle, and some good miles on Highway M20, headed for the capital city, a dicreet white smoke was escaping from under the hood. Somewhere else it would be a good sign.
The harldly worried driver, lost in her happiness of being on the British ground put on her turn signal on the left to take the first coming slip road.
Then, like a smile of comfort, narrow paths of greenery unveiled, typical at will and here as there, on the rolling hills, bicoloured sheep, cutely matched with the small vehicle, could still bleat in baa, as they say.
At the entrance of a charming flowered village as he was waiting for it, a mechanic with ruby cheeks, redheaded and solidly built, loose overalls, worn boots, stood near a gas pump in gallons, at the edge of the closure and retirement, also ready to rescue the both Frenchwomen from the continent, you can see the allusion ! Welcoming and first cheerful, he was told, you never know, of what he nevertheless saw by himself. The ripe man wide-eyded opened the hood and got away for a moment. Suddenly, surrealist image ! The blue rescuer moved forward with great difficulty, a long and thick wooden bar, a sort of beam, across the shoulder. Careful, he intervened by far and worked with the tool of something when in a flash he appeared in a white vapor cloud which didn't shake at all his rare calm. Then he stuck one's nose in these auto and engine business. Godness ! From where does this damn smoke come ? mumbled he a little irritated. The other two heard a clonc, a taptap, a bang, a pchiiiii...finally a little impressive grunt. Over light-hearted was the blessed trip falling through ? The city-dwellers now tight as a clam, relied docilely on the English male expertise. The male left his mysteries with weird questions;
-Have you checked the oil and water levels before leaving, young lady ? The sump ? The driver belt ? The clutch ? And the cylinder head gasket ?asked the wise man. Enough to refresh the one called Violet's vocabulary.

II.Everything, everything, Sir. Even the gauge ! Don't go to think that I mistreat my little Mini.
-The radiator could take a nasty hot flush, warned he, a kind of cap in hand. One of the women burst into song : "Au feu, les pompiers, la maison qui brûle .."That was a good joke.
The other one raised her eyes to Heaven not far from exploding.
-Hem, a passably dirty oil but at the level, continued he, but the water, at the lowest, Ms.
-As for your cap ! Do you know what it reminds me ? Half-rotten there ! That explains the leak ! The 'culprit' had just enough time to think "the French leave" of course !
The man of power, left for a moment, had already returned in front of bumper, wrongly scolding eyes but looks conqueror.
How differently had it been ? Hastings, a few miles ?
So, on this hand, your own, poor thing that it was. On the other, a brand-new ! Look what appearance it should , it should has ! I'm installing it for you and it's a gift as a sign of welcome !
-Hooray, explosion of joy and courtesies from adventuresses, can you imagine.
-Long live France and look for the woman, exclaimed he, laughting and proud to be English with an in-cre-di-ble accent.
Both the most grateful, addressed him an extra goodbye with a wave of the hand, leaving this unforgettable service area.
One sang "Ah, ça ira, ça ira, ça ira.." We'll sleep in London ! The other one, relieved though smiling at a future and amusing lesson about modal auxiliaries.

Thank you again !

Réponse: L'une chante... /Thème de violet91, postée le 04-08-2015 à 14:24:27 (S | E)
Peek-a-boo les deux petites matinales,
Bienvenue en Brittany où il m'a fallu batailler un bon moment pour connecter ce portable !!! I should use some Celtic codes I expect .
Anyway , I will get accustomed to it quick enough; I hope . Merci de vos traductions de "garagistes" moins vous osez et ce n'est mal du tout ! Mais non, dear mamou , it isn't too long , just a change compared to literature , that is all ! And you could choose to do one part :congratulations to both who did it all .
My today's advice (as ever) is reread what you wrote'll be amazed ( typos and/or spelling mistakes )Cheers for keeping French where it was supposed to be done !))
Welcome to other brave Belgians and Frenchies...or Brits ?..Italians ? Argentinians?.. .or Americans ? ken emberr = see you (thanks to my dictionary )
----------Have a lovely sunny day , dear all !--- ------Lien internet

Réponse: L'une chante... /Thème de ariane6, postée le 07-08-2015 à 00:30:52 (S | E)
Hello Violet,
Eh ben !...Si c'est le début de tes mémoires, nous en aurons pour un bout de temps ! Merci, en tout cas de nous emmener au fil de tes aventures automobilistiques...
One sings, the other doesn't.

I ]
It was the first time the white mini Morris with its black roof and steering wheel on the left for driving on the left, had returned in its country. No blind faith in an inexperienced passenger, better to rely on oneself and anyway, to also have a good insurance policy.
So they set off hoping for the best! However, after the chalk cliffs , Dover Castle, and a few good miles on the M20 motorway en route to the capital, wisps of white smoke escaped from under the bonnet . Elsewhere, it might have been seen as a good sign!
The driver barely concerned, completely submerged in her joy at being on British soil, put on the left hand indicator to take the first slip road on the left. Then, just like a comforting smile, the narrow lanes of green very typically opened out. Here and there, on the rounded downs, two-toned sheep, nicely matching the small vehicle, bleated ‘baa’, as they usually did.
At the entrance to a charming, flowered village, a red- headed, strongly built mechanic with ruddy cheeks, loose overalls and worn work shoes, stood near a petrol pump marked in gallons, as if he was expecting them. It was nearly closing time…and time to retire…but he was ready to help the two French girls from the Continent…just imagine it!
Welcoming and playful at first, he was told of the problem (you never know!) although he could see it for himself. The old man lifted the bonnet, opened his eyes wide and went away. Suddenly, (a surrealistic picture), the blue saviour appeared carrying across his shoulder with difficulty, a long, thick, wooden bar, a kind of beam.
Carefully, using the tool for something from a distance, he suddenly appeared in a cloud of whitish steam, still uncommonly quiet. He then put his nose into the car engine's innards. 'My goodness! Where is this damn smoke coming from?' he muttered, a little bothered.
The two others heard a clonk, a tap tap, a bang, a pchiiii and finally some groaning that impressed a little. The light-heartedness finished! Was the holy trip going to come to an end? The city girls were as mute as carps, entrusting themselves docilely to the English male's skills. The man came out of his mystery world with strange questions.
"Did you properly check the oil and water levels before starting out, young lady? The carter? The drive belt? The clutch? And the head gasket?" the wise man asked.
This all served to refresh the vocabulary of the one called Violet...

Je stoppe ici et laisse la deuxième partie pour plus tard, dans quelques jours. A bientôt, Violet, et merci !

Réponse: L'une chante... /Thème de kazan, postée le 07-08-2015 à 08:45:56 (S | E)
WAIt Wait!!! I'm here.
*pant* pant* Sorry I'm late.
Here is my attempt, I hope it won't disappoint you. I've tried my best!!! This except was nice, as always but hard as hell, since my car-related vocabulary is quite limited.
Hopefully one day*dreaming* I won't have to rely so much on online dictionaries.

One sings, the other does not

I) It was the first time that the white black-roofed mini Morris returned to its home country. There was a steering wheel on the left side to drive on the left. No blind trust in a female novice driver. In any case, one should rather count on one’s self-assurance, and have a good insurance on the side.
Here they go for the best part! However, after the limestone cliffs, the Douvres castle and a few good miles on the M 20 motorway heading for the capital, a slight white smoke escaped from under the bonnet. Had it happened anywhere else, it could have been a sign of good fortune. The female driver, barely worried, wholly happy to be on the British soil, indicated a left turn to take the first ramp in sight. Only then, like a comforting smile, narrow green paths would be unveiled, incredibly typical. And, here and there, on rounded hilltops, two-coloured sheep, sweetly matching the small vehicle, could always bleat “Baa”, as they say.
At the entrance of a charming flowery town, as if he had been waiting for themher, was a red-cheeked, red-headed and powerfully built mechanic, wearing floating dungarees and worn-out clodhoppers, on the verge of closing down his business and retire. He stood next to a gallon fuel pump, ready to help two French women Frenchwomen from the continent, you could guess what he had in mind!
At first welcoming and merry, he asked for – one cannot be too sure- what he could already see for himself. The mature man opened the bonnet, made round-eyes and went away for a moment. All of a sudden, an incredible scene unfolded! The blue saviour was moving moved with great difficulty, with a long and thick wooden bar-some kind of beam- across his shoulder. Cautious, he was operating from afar, making his “tool” do something, when, in a blink of an eye, he found himself in whitish cloud of steam that never put a dent on his uncommon calm. Then he put stuck his nose among his car and engine mess.
‘Good Lord! Where does that bloody smoke come from?’ he muttered, a bit annoyed. The two otherothers heard a clunking sound, a tapping sound, a banging sound, a hiss… and finally a quite impressive grunt. Gone were the light hearts! Was the blessed trip coming to an end? The city-dwellers, quiet as graves, completely trusted their fate to British male skills. The male dispelled his mysteries with funny questions.
‘ Have you checked the oil and water levels before leaving, young lady? Have you checked the sump? The drive belt? The clutch? The cylinder head gasket?’ Asked the wise man.
This was plenty to revise the vocabulary of the one whose name was Violette.

II) ‘ Everything, everything, sir! Even the gauge! I don’t want you to think I mistreat my little mini.’
‘The radiator might have got a heat stroke’ he warned, with some kind of plug in his hand. One of the two girls stick up ‘ There’s a fire, firemen, the house is on fire!’…
What a good joke! The other one rolled her eyes, about to explode.
‘Well! Dirty oil, but the level is good’ he added, ‘ But water… at its lowest, madam! Not to mention your plug! You know what it reminds me of? Half-rotten, look! This explains the leak!’.
The one ‘at fault’ just had enough time to think ‘My car is a leaky cauldron anyway.’ The man of power, gone for a minute, was already back in front of the bumper, displaying falsely scolding eyes, but also a conquering look! And how could it have been otherwise, considering Hastings was only a few miles away?
‘ So, on that one hand is yours, that poor thing that lived! And on the other, a brand new one! See what it must... It should… what it looks like! I’ll install it for free as a token of good welcome.’
Hurray! Cries of joy and greetings from the female adventurers, can you believe it?
‘Long live France and look for the woman!’ he exclaimed, laughing and proud to be English… with an in-cre-di-ble accent! Both of them, most thankful, waved him good bye with one more gesture of the hand, as they left that unforgettable service area.
One of them sang, “ ah, it will be fine, it will be fine, it will be fine! We’ll sleep in London!’
The other one, relieved, thought of a future and entertaining lesson on modal auxiliaries, as she smiled…

Réponse: L'une chante... /Thème de tereda, postée le 08-08-2015 à 18:48:35 (S | E)
I think I am the one who doesn't sing.... WAOUH !! dear Violet, with so many strange French expressions ! of course, everyone knows how to translate :
Les voilà parties pour le meilleur !
se tenait au bord de la fermeture et de la retraite !!!
Puis , il mit son nez dans ces affaires d'auto et de moteur - and on the peak :
" Le radiateur a pu prendre un méchant coup de chaud !
but I am a novice in car matter, in any case, I tried to do my best, and this is the result !!
my goodness !

the one sings, the other, NOT.
It was the first time the white mini black roof Morris returned to its country, the wheel at the left for a left-hand drive. No real trust in an inexperienced passenger ; it's better to rely only on our own insurance, in any case, and to trust one's lucky star.
Things are looking up, they have good times ahead of them ! Then, after the chalk cliffs, Dover's castle and several miles on the M 20 highway, driving toward the capital, a discrete white smoke began to escape from the hood.
In another circumstance, it could have been a good sign !! the driver, hardly worried, and so happy to be on British soil, put the left turn signal on to take the first slip road. And, like a sign of great comfort, appeared narrow paths of greenery , so typical , here and there, on the rounded hills, some bi-colored sheep, well-matched to the small car, could well bleat "baa", as they say.

At the entrance of a charming flowered village, as if he had been waiting for her, a mechanic, the ruddy cheeks, red hair, strongly built, with floating overalls, and worn clodhoppers, were on the point of close and not far from retiring time ; he was near a gas pump in gallons, but also ready to help the two French women of the continent, you see what I mean !
Friendly and joyful first, he was informed - you never know - of what he nevertheless saw by himself. The informed man opened the hood, wide-eyed, and walked away for a moment. Suddenly, what surrealist picture ! the rescuer in blue arrived with great difficulty, a long thick wooden bar, a sort of beam - across the shoulder. Very cautious, he managed by far to work with "its tool" toward something, when, in a flash, he appeared in a whitish cloud of fumes, that didn't detract from his unusual calm.
Finally, he turn his attention to the matter of the car and the engine. My goodness ! where does this damn smoke come from , he muttered, a trifle irritated, the two others heard a clunk, a tap tap, a bang, a pchiiii, and finally an impressive growl. Finish the light-hearted mood ! The blessed trip would fall through ?
The city dwellers, who until then, have never opened the mouth, entrusted docilely the problem in the hands of the English experience male . This last one got out of its mysterious silence and asked surprising questions :- of course, you have checked the oil levels and water, before leaving, young lady ? The oilpan ? the driving belt ? the clutch ? and the cylinder head gasket ? asked the informed man .
A way to refresh up the vocabulary of the one called Violet.
- everything, Sir, even the (oil) dipstick ! Don't think that I mistreat my little mini!
- the radiator could have a nasty heatstroke ! he warned , a sort of cap in the hand.
One woman began : Fire ! fire ! firemen, the house is burning ! That the joke was good! The other looked up at the sky, not far from exploding.
- Hem ! the oil is quite dirty, but at the right level, he continued, but the water, not enough, too low, madam ! for the cap, you know what I think about ? it's half rotten, well, it's what explains the leak ! the guilty immediately thought " to take French leave".
The power man, walked away for a moment, had already returned to the bumper, eyes a grumbling air, but in swaggering mood, How it would have been differently, Hastings was to a few miles?
- so, in this hand, your cap, poor thing which has lived ! and on the other hand, a new one ! do you see at what it might, ... it must look like... ! I give you it, it's a welcome present !
Hurrah ! cries of joy and thanks from adventuresses, you can guess ! "vive la France and look for the woman" !!!! he exclaimed, laughing and proud to be British with an UNbelievable accent ! the two women, very grateful, sent him another goodbye with one's hand, leaving this unforgettable service station. One sang : it's ok, it's ok, it's ok, we'll sleep in London ! the other, relieved, was smiling, but she already thought over to the next and entertaining lesson on modal auxiliaries !

1. I had chosen to use the sign "asterisque" put after "bonne" as a STAR....and not as a footnote.
j'ai passé du bon temps à essayer de traduire ces phrases rigolotes !

Réponse: L'une chante... /Thème de violet91, postée le 08-08-2015 à 23:34:59 (S | E)
Hello dear all ,
Thank you ever so much for coming along , little by little ...Shall I reach number 10 ( members I mean ) ??!!!! ( I'll pay a virtual drink , if so !!! It'll be my round !) A Summer event, isn't it ? since I started on the site I must admit reading each translation shows my humorous story must have been a strain on your willing brains ... I know many are on holiday , too I am by the way , and having relatives in this beautiful region where everything looks greener , purer and original . I'll give you some more days to read your translations again and bring some changes if you like . Some more time for visitors who would stop and have a go , and hard-workers who still hesitate to post ! You are most welcome , as usual .
I am also nicely busy here and enjoying myself a great deal , as you have guessed and hope you will understand me . I may be coming back here within a few days . It depends on the rush [I can send the correction by MP to those who are eager to know which mistakes they made ( if they did any !!!)...]
* I have a look every day , mind you . Have a good night , then an excellent Sunday ! -
-------- ------------

Réponse: L'une chante... /Thème de pivoine91, postée le 11-08-2015 à 14:54:19 (S | E)
Dear Violet,
Sans cesse déconnectée d'internet (question de fil fatigué à l'usage !) et sans cesse dérangée, je viens enfin pour la enième fois proposer ma version de ce thème....
Each other sings, one another not
- I/ - It was the first time that the white mini Morris with it black roof went back to his country, wheel at left for a left hand drive. No blind confidence in a novice passenger, it would be better only count on it own self-assurance, anyhow and have a good assurance beside. Here they have gone for the best ! But, after the chalk cliffs, the castle of Dover, and some miles on the highway M20 on the way to the capital city, a light white smoke escaped from below the bonnet. Elsewhere, it would have been a good sign ! The driver hardly anxious through her happiness to be on the british ground, put the left blinker to take the first access road comer. Then, as a smile of comfort, the narrow paths of vegetation reveal distinctive at will and, here and there, on the curved hills, two-coloured sheep lovely matched with the small vehicle could always bleat in "baa" as they say.
At the entrance of a delightful flowered hamlet, as he had wait for her, a mechanic with vermilion cheeks, with red hair and well built, with roomy overhalls, tired-out clodhoppers, remained on the edge of the closing time and of the retirement near a fuel pump in gallons also ready to bring help to the two french women of the continent, you can imagine the sense ! Welcoming and firstly happy, he was told, you never know, about he saw yet about himself. The mature man opened the bonnet with wide opened eyes and drew away one moment. Suddenly surrealist representation ! The blue rescue worker moved with difficulties, a long and thick wooden bar - a type of beam - across of the shoulder. Cautious, he intervened by far and worked with "the tool" to do something, when in a flash, he appeared in a whitish cloud of condensation which started not at all his rare serenity. Then, he sticked one's nose in those affairs of car and motor. "Goodness gracious me ! Therefore comes this damned smoke he muttered, a tad irritated. The two others heard a "clonc", a "taptap", a "bang", a pshiii"...Finally a grunt, a little impressive; Completed light hearts ! The blessed trip went fall through ? The city-dwellers well tight as clams, left it docilely to the english male expertise. The male went out his mysteries with odd questions. "Have you well tested the oil and water levels, before leaving, young lady ? The sump ? The drive belt ? And the cylinder head gasked ? asked the advised man. Have enough to restore the vocabulary of the one who named "Violette".

- II/ - "All, all, sir ! Even the measure ! Don't think that I mistreat my small mini". "The radiator has certainly taken hold a hot flush !", he informed, a kind of cork by hand. Each one stroke up " Fire ! the firefighters, the home which burns !" How good was the joke ! The another raised her eyes to Heaven, ready to go wild. "Hmm ! An oil rather dirty but at the level" he said again but the hit rock bottom, Madam ! Ask for your cork, you know what it reminds me ? Half rotten, hey !That explains the look !" The offender had enough time to think. "The english offender of course !". The man of authority, left again one moment was already come in front of the bumper, eyes deceitfully scolding, but with a combative air ! How differently could be Hastings at some cable-lengthes.
-"Then, on this hand, yours, poor little something which has existed, on the other, one brand new ! See what air it must have...It has ! I put it for you and it's gift as welcome message !" Hurrah ! shouts of joy and manners of the explorers, you imagine. " Long live France and look for the woman !" he exclaimed laughing and proud to be...english with an amazing accent. All the two very grateful sent to him an extra goodbye with a movement of their hand, leaving this unforgettable service area.
One another sings : " Ah ! ça ira, ça ira" we well sleep in London". The each other eased, thought about a future lesson and entertaining on the modal auxiliaries.

Réponse: L'une chante... /Thème de kazan, postée le 12-08-2015 à 09:38:15 (S | E)
Dear Violet,
I would indeed be very much interested in your pinpointing my mistakes, please.
Have a radiant day,

Réponse: L'une chante... /Thème de joe39, postée le 12-08-2015 à 11:18:34 (S | E)
Hello, dear Violet,
I thank you very much for your translation exercise so rich in vocabulary, expressions and technical words, whose English proper “counterparts” were not so easy to find.

Here is my try.
I) It was the first time the white and its top black painted , left-hand steering Mini Morris came back to his country. No blind confidence in a green passenger; However It’s better to rely on his own self-confidence, and have a nice nearby.
Here they are! Now, after the chalk cliffs, Dover Castle and some kilometres on Highway M 20, en route to the capital, a few of white smoke was coming out from the hood. Somewhere else it would have been a good sign! The driver, just a little concerned, but happy of being on British soil, put the left indicator on to take the first coming ramp. Then, like a comforting smile, narrow green paths were to be seen, like a fulfilled wish, and here and there up the roundish hills, bicolored muttons were cutely matching the small car and could still bleating, as they say, in “Baa”.
At the entrance of a charming village full of flowers, a stout, ruddy-cheeked, red-haired, in fluttering overalls and working boots, mechanic was standing near a petrol pump, which was next
to the end of its working time, ready also to relieve the two “Continental French”.
Welcoming and also cheerful (maybe he had already been informed – you never know), for what he could however see. The middle-aged man, goggle-eyed, opened the bonnet and went away for a short while. Suddenly, surreal image! The blue rescuer was approaching with difficulty, carrying across his shoulder a long, thick wooden bar, a kind of beam. Cautiously he intervened keeping himself at a certain distance, trying to make something working, when, suddenly he appeared immersed in a cloud of whitish vapour, that didn’t harm his uncommon calmness. Then put his nose into the bonnet, looking at the engine and other appliances – “My goodness ! Where is that damn’ smoke coming from? He muttered, a little bit irritated. The other two heard a clonc, a taptap, a bang, a pchiiii..finally followed by a somewhat impressive growl. Their light-heartedness was suddenly over. Was the trip going down the drain ? The two city-dwellers, dumb as oysters, handed themselves over to the English man’s competence. The male went out from the mist of his misteries with funny questions. “ Have you checked the oil and water levels before leaving, miss? The oil sump, the drive belt, the clutch, and the head gaskets ???” Asked the wise man. Just enough to refresh the vocabulary of the one whose name was Violette.
“Everything, everything, sir, even the gauge; don’t think I mistreat my little mini!
“The radiator could have taken a nasty heat stroke”, he warned, a kind of plug in hand.
One started singing: “Fire, fire, the house is burning …. That was a good joke!”.
The other looked up to the sky, close to bursting. “Hum, a pretty dirty oil but at the right level”, he went on, “But the water at the lowest, madam. Regarding your plug ! Do you know what I’m thinking about? That it’s half rotten, that’s all, and that explain the leak!.
The « guilty » had just enough time to think : “the leak as per English manner, of course!”.
The energetic/full of beans, man, stepped away for a moment; he had already returned in front of the bumper, eyes having a deceptive air of reproach, but the look of a conqueror. How could it be otherwise, with Hastings standing less than a mile away?
“So on this hand, your plug, now a poor, almost unserviceable thing, on the other, my plug: a brand new one. Look should…it must , .. it looks like ! I put it down and I gift you as a sign of welcome.”
“Hooray”, cheers and courtesies, as you can imagine. “Vive la France et cherchez la femme!” he exclaimed, laughing and proud of being English, with an in-cred-ible accent.
The two, very grateful, addressed to him a further good-by waving the hand, while leaving that unforgettable service area.
One sang: “It will go, it will go, it will go! We’re going to sleep in London!”
The other, relieved, thought smiling to a future and entertaining lesson on modal auxiliaries.

Indeed, though demanding, the exercise was very excitatory to do and I would like you’ll edit another one as tricky as the first was. After your three weeks in Brittany, of course.
I wish you and your family a wonderful holydays, and remain,
Your fond friend

Réponse: L'une chante... /Thème de soleil60, postée le 14-08-2015 à 15:13:17 (S | E)
Hi Violet
I'm sorry but between two coats of paint, I only have enough time to translate the first paragraph.
If I can, tonight I will continue.
Could you correct me? Thank you
Have fun in Brittany!
Below my translation:

I )
It was the first time that the white mini Morris with a black roof came back in its country, heel on the left to drive on the left.
No blind trust to a novice passenger ; it’s better to rely on one’s own insurance, anyway, and have a good insurance beside you. Here they are gone away for the best part!
However, after the chalk cliffs, Dover’s castle, and a few good miles on the M20 motorway heading towards the capital, a slight white smoke issued from the cover’s underside.
Elsewhere, that was considered a good sign ! The driver barely worried, all happiness to be on the British soil, turned the indicator on the left to take the first coming bypass.
So, like a comforting smile, the narrow green paths appeared, incredibly typical, and here as there, on the round hills, a few two-coloured sheeps handsomely matched with the small vehicle, could always bleat there « baa » like they say.
At the entrance of a charming flowered village, as he had waited for her, a mechanic with vermeil-checked, red-heared and well built, floating overall, worn clodhopper, approaching closing and retirement, was nears the gallon-pumps, also ready to bring help he two Frenchwomen of the continent, you see what it mean !
Wellcoming and first cheerful, he was informed- you never known- about what he saw nevertheless himself.
The mature man raised the hood, bug eyes, and went away one moment.
Suddenly, surreal picture ! The blue rescuer moved forward with difficulty, a long and thick wood bar – a sort of beam- across his shoulders.
Cautious, he intervened by far and implemented tool for something, when in a flash, he appeared in a whitish vapour cloud which not perturbe his rare calm.
Then, he meddled in car and motor affairs. « Goodness » Where does this damn smoke come from ? he muttered to himself, a little annoyed.
The two others heared a «clonc », a « taptap », a bang, a « pchiii »… at last a little impressing rumble.
Finished the happy hearts ! The blessed trip was going to fizzle out ?
Then the townwomen as silent as graves, they left it docilely up to the english male expertise.
The male went out of his mysteries with odd questions.
« Have you well tested the oil and water levels, before leaving, young lady ? the sump ? The drive belt ? the clutch ? and the cylender head gasked ? asked the advised man.
Enough to refresh the vocabulary of these who named « Violette »

Réponse: L'une chante... /Thème de violet91, postée le 15-08-2015 à 14:29:11 (S | E)
( Second try ! Difficile de trouver ' le ' bon moment et du réseau dans des vacances bretonnes bien remplies avec le plein de festival interceltique( 'keltik] , de gaelic , de visites , baignades and enjoying our family gathering !...Que les deux petites dernières n'hésitent pas à poster leur travail et celles qui l'envisageaient le finissent , même si je poste une partie de ma traduction , aujourd'hui ! )
Hello dear all ,

A thousand thanks for working hard on these two texts I did not find that difficult when writing them ; I had fun with the unusual vocabulary , but I probably did not realize how long and cunning they could be . The memory is still so vivid , ever so funny in my mind and the whole trip was so pleasant ! Actually I myself had to look up in a dictionary for certain parts of a car ; don't you take me ( impératif emphatique familier = n'allez pas pour autant ) for a 'simple-minded '* woman ! I know just enough about cars , roads , maps, ( even London centre) and can always speak !!... , to manage in Great Britain and I am quite used to driving a French car ...therefore ..on the left ! I find overtaking other vehicles [ vi'i:klz]( on roads) turns rather hard , especially if you tend to trust yourself only !
* By the way , 'Simple minds' *** are back and giving a concert tonight ( tickets sold out !
Here we go !

---------One sings, the other doesn't .
It was the first time (that) the white Morris Mini with a black roof had returned* to its home country .It was a left hand drive car for driving on the left ( side ) . No blind trust in an inexperienced passenger ; in any case, it is better to rely on oneself( rely on one's self-confidence ) and have a good insurance policy , besides .
Off they go for the best of the best ! Yet, after the chalk cliffs ( the White Cliffs ), Dover Castle, and some smooth (easy) miles on the M20 motorway heading for (to) the capital, a thin white smoke rose up from under the bonnet . Elsewhere it could ( would) have been a promiseful sign .The lady driver did not bother much ( feeling hardly concerned) deeply absorbed in her joy of being on the British soil , indicated she was turning left to the first access road ( junction if very big) in sight . Then, as a smile of comfort , the *narrow lanes of green landscapes came into view , so typical , and here and there, on the round hills, two-coloured sheep cutely matched with the small vehicle could always bleat 'baa baa !' *, as they say .
At the entrance of ( to ) a charming flowered village , as if he had been waiting for her , a ginger-haired ( red-haired) sturdy mechanic with ruddy cheeks , in loose overalls and well worn clodhoppers (boots ) , stood ( was standing ) near a gallon-petrol-pump , not far from closing time and retirement and all ready to help the two French ladies from the Continent , you see what I am referring to ( what I mean ) . At first welcoming and cheerful , he was told - just in case - what he could perfectly see for himself . The mature ( more than middle-aged and less than elderly ) man opened the bonnet , his eyes wide and walked away for a while. All of a sudden , such a surrealistic image ( sight) ! The rescuer in blue was staggering (proceeding with great difficulty), a long thick piece of wood- in the shape of a beam - across his shoulder . With much care ( very cautiously), he got to work at a distance and manipulated the ' tool' to do something , when in a flash, he appeared in a whitish cloud of steam which did not affect a scrap of his uncommmon phlegm( didn't affect his uncommon phlegm at all ) . Then , he stuck his nose into that car and engine business - " Goodness me ! Where does that damned smoke come from ?" he muttered , slightly annoyed . The pair of female friends heard a clonk , a tapping (taptap) , a bam, a pshii...and finally a somewhat heavy grunt ( a grunt they found rather impressive ) . Gone the light hearts ! Was this the fate of their blissful trip ? ( Was the long awaited trip going to fall through?) . The town girls as quiet as mice left it up ( relied on )submissively to the English male's skills . The workman emerged from his mysterious fiddling with funny questions .
-" Did you check the oil and water levels before leaving ,young lady? The stump? The transmission belt ? The clutch ? The cylinder -head gasket ? " the experienced man asked .
A good opportunity for the one called Violet to polish and enrich her vocabulary , that was !

* Il est aujourd'hui acceptable de trouver 'returned , was returning ' ( cf. Iris Murdoch 'It was the first time she was (et non had been ) in this house // The white Morris Mini was returning home ( to its home country ) for the first time .
* The narrow lanes , the ..., the ...the ...: cette campagne était , et est bien connue de Violet .

That is all for now ...I must close here having much to do outdoors then indoors, in a theatre . Carry on enjoying yourselves and this Saturday ! Fireworks ( ahead)
( désolée mais il est très lent et difficile de travailler depuis ma tablette à cause de l'écriture ' intuitive ' française qui interfère sans cesse . Woops ! Arrgh !...) 05.54PM

Sunday morning - Have an excellent day , friends ! ( I should be able to type the second part , late at night or tomorrow morning )

Réponse: L'une chante... /Thème de violet91, postée le 17-08-2015 à 10:16:02 (S | E)
Good morning ,dear all,

Part II ]
-" Everything, sir, every single thing ! Even the gauge ! Please ,don't think I would ever mistreat my little Mini !
-The radiator must ( can) have got seriously (badly) overheated !" he warned, holding a sort of cap in his hand . One started to sing "Fire ! Firemen! Fire ! The house is burning ! "...How good the joke was ! ( That was a good joke , wasn't it ?) The other one raised ( rolled) her eyes to Heaven , just about to flare up .
-" Hmm! Pretty dirty oil, but the level is good ", he said ," but the water its lowest ( down to the lowest), ma'am ! As for your cap , do you know what it makes me think of ? Half-rotten, you see ! That explains the leak !" The 'guilty'( responsible ) one had just enough time to think " Take the French leave , of course ! " The mighty ( powerful) man , gone for a moment again, was already back in front of the bumper, with supposedly scolding eyes , but with the look of a conqueror ! How could it be ( have been) otherwise , Hastings being a few miles away ?
- " So , on this hand yours( your cap ), poor thing which has been ! Look what it should be like must be is like ! On that one ( on that hand here), a brand new one ! ( There you are !)...I'll fix it for you , ( you'll have ) nothing to pay and take it as a welcoming gift, will you ? "
Hurray ! Joyful shouts ( shouts for joy, ovations ) and compliments, as you can imagine .-" Long live France and "cherchez la femme ! " he exclaimed laughing and proud to be ...English with such an in-cre-di-ble accent ! Both women , most grateful, waved him goodbye again on leaving the unforgettable service area .
One sang : 'Ah! Ça ira ! Ça ira! Ça ira !( It'll be fine , it'll be fine , it'll be fine !) . We'll be sleeping in London tonight ! " The other with a smile on her face and relieved, was thinking about an amusing future lesson on English modals.

* Thank you very much for your patience and kindness .
Have a lovely sunny day ! See you very soon ! )!

- ---- ------

Réponse: L'une chante... /Thème de violet91, postée le 18-08-2015 à 18:25:55 (S | E)
Hello dear company , dear friends , faithful readers and visitors ,
This should * be the very day when I can finish all my comments on the narration about the (now)well-known arrival in Dover area of a little English car, owned and driven by a young French lady accompanied by a friend of hers .
A thousand thanks to all who did the whole translation and five hundreds to those who did half of it , or a little more .
Toujours au rythme des vacances , du soleil, des visites et aujourd'hui des baignades sous de forts rayons vais faire une correction plus rapide que d'habitude ( liens et phonétique impossibles sur mon engin = device !!)

1 ) The title : une = one , et l'autre : the other ( one) . - simple present : habitude ou généralité = one sings ( attention à la base verbale + s ou es ( does , goes ...) .[ L'amie n'était pas chantante à ce point-là , ( révolutionnaire , ma foi ...), mais en partance pour la découverte , elle prenait les choses avec humour ! ] La deuxième proposition sera réduite , comme une réponse à la question fermée ( yes, question ) - Does she sing ? Yes , she does # no, she doesn't . Reprise de l'auxiliaire negativé pour alléger le style et éviter la répétition du verbe .
- One sings , the other doesn't . Je voulais aussi évoquer ce très beau film d'Agnès Varda et rendre hommage à tout ce qu'elle a apporté à notre cinéma français . ( comme à Cannes 2015 , enfin ).

2 ) La règle après -' it is the first time that ...´ - veut que l'on emploie un temps composé : present perfect ( ou present perfect continuous ) ou - it was the first time suivi du past perfect ou past perfect continuous . Il est de plus en plus courant de lire , d'entendre et de pratiquer - it is the first time I am coming to England ( simultané) . / It was the first time the Morris Mini returned ( came back ) / was returning home . C'est mon expérience et aussi mon observation en littérature contemporaine ( Iris Murdoch as the student's grammar says ) . Comme vous , cette phrase introductive préparait la suite , le bilan ne se faisant qu'à la fin de l'anecdote . Si vous aviez un doute , vous pouviez toujours dire - The white Morris Mini (1000 Cooper ) was returning home for the first time . Mais éviter le problème est une solution de secours . Il vaut mieux être perfectionniste , l'évitement n'est pas forcément très apprécié, ni le plus rentable en points !
Pour la grammaire pure , on emploiera - it was the first time the car had returned ( had come back ) . ( )

3 ) A moins d'avoir une super Rolls Royce ou Ferrari, qu'elle soit ' the apple of your eye' , la prunelle de vos yeux ( well !...) , d'aimer le véhicule comme sa chérie ou un' petdog ( cat ...) ' femelle , une voiture est du genre neutre( neutral ) = 'its' home country et non comme un digne paquebot 'Queen Mary ' , même' the Titanic'['taitenik] !, ou avion 'Prince of Wales ' Princess of Wales . ( Diana ) qui seront déterminés au féminin . By the way , un chat 'neutered' ('nioutid]n'est pas exactement un chat miaulant castrat ( now a counter- tenor like gigantic Alfred Deller ( England )- un haute contre like famous Farinelli ( who had been 'neutered ' , if I may say so, for castrated) .

4 ) A left hand drive : conduite à gauche comme celles du 'Comptinent ' # a right hand drive : conduite à droite avec manettes à gauche pour les voitures 'anglophones ' > conduite à droite , volant steering -wheel , gears ...( à gauche , dans la file = line ; sur la route : on the road ...on the lanes [ ´leinz] ) et not to forget about it sinon , vous retrouvez à la sortie d'un car park de Bristol face un 'red double decker'( bus rouge à impériale ...comme Violet !!!) en face ( à gauche , donc ) d' un chauffeur extrêmement tolérant , patient , voyant une Frenchie et sa plaque ( the number plate ) française !
Driving on the left is tricky at roundabouts ( the other way round ) aux ronds-points , pour nous . Là , les Français ont un peu de mal, comme en traversant la rue > je rappelle : look right , then left , then right again !

5 ) Self - confidence : confiance en soi / to feel confident : se sentir en confiance . Du latin cum-fidere > to confide : (se) confier ( cf .français : fidèle ) # an insurance [ in'shourence ] ( je fais au mieux /...woops ... j'arrangerai depuis l'ordi ) : un contrat , une police -policy ['polisi] d'assurance .

6 ) Besides se suffit à lui-même pour -à côté, à ses côtés # beside yourself , beside your friend ...préposition .

7 ) To rely ( relies , relied ) on oneself : compter sur soi > a reliable[ ri'laïeuble - woops ] person = une personne fiable , sur laquelle vous pouvez compter .

8 ) Off they go ! En effet dear tereda ! Expression plaquée que l'on pratique ...tu verras par toi-même : Off I go = Voilà ! Je suis partie ! Off we go ! ( on décroche de la situation présente . ' Get off my cloud ' disent les Rolling Stones ( 1965 ) :' descends ( dégage ) de mon nuage' , laisse - moi tranquille , fiche- moi la paix . Pas de baskets à lâcher en anglais ! Ni de plus trivial , ce que signifiait Mick Jagger !

9 ) Off they go for the best ! The best ...what ? Un peu ennuyeux de laisser ce best tout seul ( ou alors : they were going to make the best of their trip and stay ) . On se marie 'officiellement ' pour 2 choses ( rappel du 'duel' grec ( cas de 2) , si j'ose dire ) = comparatif de supériorité = good = better / bad = worse . The better and the worse [ 'weurs- sifflante ] : le meilleur et ( pas ou )le pire . J'ai opté pour le 'top du top' ( la crème de la crème )= the best of the best .

10 ) Chalk : le calcaire , la craie - the chalk cliffs of Dover or the White Cliffs . A piece of chalk : un morceau de craie , du temps où il y en avait encore . Remarquez le film 'Les profs' ( vous voyez ma culture, mais tourné dans l'établissement que je connais très bien - cela lui a valu d'avoir une aile toute repeinte , l'été précédant sa sortie !) prof d'anglais savait bien la manier craie sur les élèves récalcitrants !!!!)
En GB , j'ai toujours connu des craies 'anti dust' = anti -poussière, pour les allergiques...à la craie on les réclame en France , et elles existent , dites donc !)

11 ) To head for, or to : se diriger vers . Heading for the capital : en route pour la capitale . M1, M2, M3 ...for motorway (anglais ) ( highway : américain ) comme nous avons l'A1 vers Lille er Calais -Douvres ( Eurotunnel = [ ' iouroteunel ]! My God ! Pitié pour ma phonétique... temporaire , mon Capitaine -
Hello 'Captain ô my Captain' ! L'A10 pour Bordeaux et l'A6 pour ...chez moi ! A - comme une autoroute !

12 ) La fumée blanche l'élection du Pape au Vatican ( Ah ! ' Habemus Papam ' ****si extraordinaire ) the white smoke . S'échapper de : to escape from ( s'auto-libérer ! To set free !) : to escape from jail ( mieux que' prison' ) . S'échapper de ...(vers le haut) , S'élever : to rise up ( in the air ), rose , risen . A sign [ sain] . Un signe, panneau , aussi .

13 ) Le capot anglais : the bonnet / the hood, américain . Comme à capuche : 'Little Red Riding Hood ' ( 'Little Red Cap')'Le petit Chaperon rouge by Charles Perrault 1697 / Grimm brothers - 1879- ' Bonnet' ( dentale sonore ) in GB or English speaking places . le stump pour le 'carter '/ the casing( US ?) ; the overalls ( pluriel , 2 jambes , 2 anyway = a pair of overalls , trousers , pyjamas / glasses , binoculars ( jumelles ) and so on . Dear Kazan , je ne connaissais pas ton mot : dungarees ( from US Navy uniform)/ il faut que je relise 'Of mice and men ' de John Steinbeck ( a short story .1937)( video)( After checking) Actually , Lennie wears overalls . Sur les oil-rigs ( plates-formes pétrolières , tout le monde dit ' overalls ' ( I have been told personally ! )
From under the bonnet (origin ) : de dessous le capot .

14 ) To be or being on the English soil ( no ground ) dans l'expression .( jubilatoire !)

15 ) To bother or not to bother : se tracasser ou non , s'en faire ou non , se donner la peine ou non .

16 ) Comfort : attention avec un 'm' / comforting : réconfortant , consolant , rassurant ( reassuring ).

17 ) No paths ( des sentes ou allées); lanes [ leins ] : des chemins , routes étroites , rues ( cf le nostalgique 'Penny Lane ' dans le quartier d'enfance de Paul Mc Cartney) , ..

18 ) To come into view ( into sight ) , to appear , to arrive ... : se dévoiler , apparaître , se révéler à l'oeil . To unveil : inaugurer , dévoiler , présenter .

19 ) Sheep : est invariable ( le troupeau : the flock a un grand nombre de têtes que l'éleveur doit bien sûr connaître ) même si dans ce souvenir , il y avait 4 ou 5 moutons noirs et blancs , ce restera 'sheep ' invariable , comme fish , deer ....fruit ( et encore la langue évolue là aussi ) ...and so on .

20 ) Two -coloured (English !) : bicolore . Yesterday afternoon , here in Brittany , I suddenly saw two sheep in a garden : a black one and a 'white ' one . ( not very clean at that moment ! ) . Last year , I took a photo( graph) of a lam(b) ( baby sheep ) in Brive (19 ) salon de l'agriculture ( show ) : it was black and white thanks to its parents ( black English father( rarer than whites) and white French mother ) : it was held up for me by a gentleman ( hello joe ) farmer ! So cute [ kiout] : à croquer ! A 'black sheep ' est un 'vilain petit canard ', 'une mauvaise graine ( bad seed , 'séparer le bon grain de l'ivraie'( bad weed) ) , une brebis galeuse ...( English idiom for odd and disreputable member of a group , family ...)

21 ) Cutely [ ´kju:tli] , sweetly, nicely matched with the little mini ! Handsomely ...personnellement , je l'aurais gardé pour de beaux hommes ...même si il signifie aussi 'beautifully ' .
To match - a well-matched couple / a well-matched couple of friends . To suit [ ´sju:t] : bien aller , être seyant , seoir

22 ) Clodhoppers ( no Canadian sweets for the moment , but big strong heavy shoes ) : des godillots ( de M.Godillot XIXème qui inventa des brodequins pour les militaires qui 'marchent sans discuter'> un parti , un vote ...godillot = fidèle aux consignes) . En matière de safety , je dirais boots . Au figuré , un 'clodhopper' est aussi a clumsy coarse man ; a 'bumpkin ' ( rustic) .

Je m'arrêterai ici pour ce soir , car demain matin , lever à l'aube (first light or dawn ! ) I wish you a very good night .

Réponse: L'une chante... /Thème de violet91, postée le 20-08-2015 à 14:19:28 (S | E)
( What I first wrote above ...was wrong , then ...; it should have been the last touch , but it was not . Still very difficult for me to find enough free time , strength and easy ways of being ( or remaining ..) connected . I hope you will be understanding, as usual )
. Hello dear all , ( I'll try to do my best and devote myself to you , today )

23 ) Adjectifs composés : de nombreuses possibilités , dans ce texte : - black-roofed car , a red-cheeked ( ruddy cheeked ) , a red -haired or ginger -haired ( ginger 'politically correct ' now because of the old superstition about red-haired being a sign of Evil, Devil , Damnation or Sorcery ) , broad -shouldered , light-hearted girls ...and so on ...according to your choice .

24 ) Well built , sturdy, stocky ....( not gorillalike !) : fort, costaud , robustement charpenté ( framed) .

25 ) Les conversions : -a mile ( on earth) = ~ 1,5 km / 1 mile ( on sea) , un mille marin ~ 1,8 km / a gallon ( gal . UK and US ) = ~ 4, 54...liters . ( fill it up : faites le plein ) / gas (Uk : gazole , gas-oil , diesel (oil )) # petrol ( Uk essence ) / une encablure = mesure marine d'abord ~ 200 mètres > extension de l'expression en français ( à distance réduite à vol d'oiseau ) ; quelques kilomètres de là ( away , from here or there ).

26 ) A gallon - petrol -pump : nom composé . Les pompes affichent les deux mesures . ( unleaded [ un'ledid] : sans plomb

27 ) Loose [ lu:s] ( somehow too big for him ) overalls .# To flutter = agitate , bat , beat , dance ...# floating ( to float ) overalls : une combinaison insubmersible . ( sailing waterproof overalls ) .

28 ) Un sauveteur : a rescuer [ res'kju:eu] oOo - a rescue team ( équipe ). ( a saviour peut se trouver , mais il vaut mieux l'employer pour Le Sauveur : a title of God (especially as Christ) = Salvator mundi : Latin - Middle English -saveour /< Old French : sauveour )

29 ) Closing time : la fermeture d'un lieu . Enclosure : un enclos . # Retirement [ ritaillement ] woops : la retraite ( cessation d'activité ) # retrait ou retraite ( militaire ...) : withdrawal . To withdraw, withdrew, withdrawn : se retirer # prendre sa retraite = to retire [ri'tailleu] triphtong .

30 ) Le 'monsieur ' devait avoir dans les > sixty ( in his mid-sixties ?) ; donc ni middle-aged ( moyen-âgeux !!!) ~ 40/ 55 ? / ni personne âgée = an elderly [´ eldeuli] , ni very old ( que l'on dit rarement par délicatesse ), sauf s'il s'agit d'un grand âge . Vous verrez en GB des panneaux : attention 'elderly people ' ( supposées traverser ou 'nursing -home = maison de retraite ( médicalisée )à proximité .

31 ) Have you ever seen the great film 'Les deux Anglaises et le Continent ' (1971) *** =' Two English Girls ' by François Truffaut ****? ( starring Jean Pierre Léaud ***, Kikha Markam , Stacey Tenderter , Philippe Léotard ***) - video .
Les Françaises du texte aimaient l'ail ( garlic ) ...donc venaient bien : from the Continent ! ( disaient certains insulaires très insulaires !) . Pas que les 'frog-eaters ' devenu gentiment 'Frogs ' , froggies (the French ) Frenchies .

32 ) Damn or damned : ne sont plus considérés comme blasphématoires - possible qu'il ait dit 'bloody ' ...comme la reine Mary Tudor ! ( sanglante et terrible , fichue ( et plus trivial suivant le niveau de langue et la région ...en S.O , c'est d'usage ( oral ) plutôt fréquent et pas aussi chargé .)

33 ) Idiome français = muettes(as dumb as )comme des carpes devient comme des 'mice '(< a mouse ) ou 'graves ' [ 'greivz] la pierre( stone ) des tombes . Préférons peut-être la légèreté des souris ?!

34 ) S'en remettre à : to rely on ( again ) or to entrust oneself to ( cheers ariane .

35 ) Onomatopées presque toujours différentes d'une langue à l'autre ( cf . Un baiser .'Smack !!' en BD française = a smack on your bottom ! Une fessée !) . Des listes se trouvent en ligne ; je n'ai pas trouvé le 'pshiii ' ou 'Pchiii' de la fuite de vapeur ( steam , comme a 'steam boat ' ou encore le dit chef -d'oeuvre ( entre tant d'autres ) de TURNER : ' Rain . Steam(train) . Speed '. - en plein romantisme 1844 .

36 ) The city / the town ladies ou girls : en pensant à sympathique et subtile Irish( une vraie rousse ) Edna O'Brien 's ' (The)Country Girls '( 1960 , a part of her trilogy) qui petite-fille de la campagne déjà repérée par son institutrice comme une 'plume ' prometteuse n'a eu d'autre choix que de quitter les siens, et sa terre natale pour s'émanciper '' ( une année de pharmacie ne lui convenait pas ) devenir l'écrivaine que l'on sait . ( LGL / Busnel / Carnets de route' : festival du livre à Dublin (a full summer week = must be 'grand' ['graend] > un projet auquel je tiens !) . Partie à 17 ans , alors contestataire ( catholicisme , Irlande traditionnelle , absence d'avenir = révolutionnisme culturel )/ et , à Dublin (mariage ), à Londres ( mari et 2 fils , séparation )puis vivre à New York très longtemps où elle a pu s'épanouir et vivre de son écriture , elle est revenue ( comme great Loreena Mc Kenitt) enseigner (Trinity College -Dublin ) et vivre désormais au pays de ses racines (born and a child in Tumgraney -Clare County > roots 1930/ and Dublin mostly ) . Pour les 'bookworms 'd'entre vous , je conseillerai ,aussi , le très beau et déchirant livre 'à sa mère ' ( une fois morte ) =' The light of evening ' = 'Crépuscule irlandais ' ( leurs derniers moments ensemble) 2006 .

37 )' Before leaving' était un marqueur du passé révolu ; vérifié à ~ Paris , before the departure [ di'pa:tcheu] > simple past . Did you check ....? Là-bas , overthere pour le 'mechanic ' , même si le 'bilan' est fumeux !

38 ) Evidemment vint à Violet l'image de William the Conqueror , le Normand ! 1066 Hastings and coronation in Westminster Abbey as William the First ( Reign = October 1066 ( London ) - September 1087( Rouen) ) . Dit 'Guillaume le Bâtard '.

39 ) Si en France , l'idiome dit 'filer à l'anglaise ' ( to flee, fled,fled) , l'anglais nous renvoie la pareille ' to take the French leave ' cf. interprétation 'historique ' ( prétexter une envie pressante pour filer discrètement d'un rassemblement d''E.M or something ...)

40 ) a) 'Fire ! Firemen ! Fire ! The house is burning ' ( the ' French nursery rhyme= children's song ) 'French 'Monique ' ( la cantinière )ou le cantinier ?... said ' Au feu , les pompiers ...' ( video ) Alain Bashung ****' Gaby ah ! Gaby ! ( video ) .
b) 'Vive la France ' se traduit Long Live France ' ( comme 'Long Live the Queen !') ou plus rarement être repris en français ! En revanche 'cherchez la femme' est une 'citation ' typically French ! Les messieurs aiment bien 'montrer leur savoir '( en langue française aux dames ) ...c'est un peu l'équivalent du français. 'À nous les petites anglaises !' ( Michel Lang - film 1975 ) . J'en connais ( gentiment )quelque chose avec 'mes' grands adolescents dans mon lycée anglais de grandes filles ( unisex) ! ...
Par ailleurs , j'avais 20 ans ( ' Vingt ans dans les Aurès -Jacques Perrin - quel film, encore !) l'année de mon assistanat ; le lendemain de mon arrivée et installation chez mon adorable couple cockney de proprétaires ; le monsieur qui avait ~70 ans , m'a accompagnée en train et métro à Holborn pour ma 'registration ' . En chemin , il m'a raconté tout fier et joyeux qu'il connaissait 'Ypreuuuu ! Soit Ypres ( il m'a fallu un temps pour comprendre !) , the first world war , l'estaminet '( mot inconnu de moi à l'époque ) , la lumière rouge au dessus, avec un air 'entendu' que je n'entendais pas forcément !!! là ' Cherchez la femme !'...
Il est intéressant de rechercher aujourd'hui l'origine de cette expression ancienne : en fait négative = il y a une bêtise ? un problème ? 'Cherchez la femme' qui en est responsable ou amène une mauvaise tournure aux choses !!! Charming !! Il vaut mieux rester au sens que les Brits lui ont donné et au réemploi dans la vie courante ...c'est un compliment en général ! A greeting ! Heureusement qu'Aragon**** est passé par là , depuis ! Et Jean Ferrat **** video .
c )' Ah ça ira ! (3 fois )...' restera français , chanson révolutionnaire( chanteur Ladré - Bécour ) 1ère fête du 14 Juillet 1790 - Champ de Mars ) a bien une traduction anglaise ...mais pour 2 Françaises ....; je ne le savais pas jusqu'à vos 'devoirs' .( il y a ussi 2 versions françaises ). Cf. Edith Piaf . (Version la plus vengeresse )

41 ) Réfléchir , cogiter sur = to think about + gerund/ or a noun and think upon it , before you do ! Penses-y a 2 fois avant d'agir ! = Look before you leap ( sauter
! Think twice before doing ...!

42 ) L'épine dans le pied de nombreux : l'anglais and its modals !
it should be like ( conseil 60%-70%) - it must be like ( ordre 100 % ou forte probabilité 90% - 95% ) - it IS like ! 100% ...
toujours comme la musique de Beethoven reprise par Léo Ferré ( ah !) : dans la rue la musica ! 'It must be in the street ( comme le 'street art') , it is !' ..The radiator might / can / must have been overheated : il se pourrait bien que (30/40%)../ il est possible que(50%) / il doit (90%) ...have been overheated .
Et woilà , friends , je peux dire que c'est fini vais me relire depuis le PC ( mettrai des liens dans quelques jours, intra other muros , si je le peux )
Je vous souhaite une bonne lecture ,u ne bonne continuation de vacances si vous y êtes ...un bon TOUT , anyway , à tous !! Encore de gros mercis de vos participations courageuses , toujours amicales et talentueuses . Keep on running , well and happy , I hope ! !
See you soon of these days, now . ( mon exercice de trapèze est terminé !) .04PM.

Réponse: L'une chante... /Thème de mamou3, postée le 23-08-2015 à 07:54:31 (S | E)

Merci Violet pour ce petit road-movie autobiographique, ta correction toujours aussi complète qu'instructive et les références littéraires que tu nous livres par la même occasion prouvant une fois encore l'étendue de ta British culture... Bonne fin de vacances bretonnes...

Réponse: L'une chante... /Thème de kazan, postée le 27-08-2015 à 07:57:11 (S | E)
Dear Violet,
I think I could not stress enough how important it is for me - and think others as well- to have such a dedicated teacher such as yourself.
Please, keep up the good work and enjoy your holidays.

Réponse: L'une chante... /Thème de tereda, postée le 28-08-2015 à 19:19:50 (S | E)
Dear Violet,
With this last exercise, I still have learnt many words and expressions, but also a new IRISH writer Edna O'BRIEN, and after what I am reading today, I am going to read "The light of evening" .
thanks for the work you gave us, for the ideas, precisions, and so many interesting information, as always.


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