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In a bank ( correction)
Message de julien86 posté le 11-03-2006 à 20:49:49 (S | E | F | I)

Bonsoir à tous !
C'est mon premier message sur ce forum, et c'est déjà pour de l'aide ;).
Je dois effectuer une dissertation (250/300 mots) sur un stage effectué en banque récemment. J'ai travaillé ça, mais j'aurais aimé avoir une correction avant celle de mon professeur, au niveau de l'orthographe, la grammaire (bref, tous les niveaux en fait).
Merci énormément d'avance !

My search for a training-course began in September. I had sent résumés and motivation letters to some banks of my town, and I finally got an interview with an employee of Credit Mutuel, which went very well.
My six-week training-course began on January 3rd. My working hours were the same as employees' : 35 hours a week, from Tuesday morning to Saturday on midday.
As soon as I arrived, I got to know the twenty or so employees who work in various domains like professional or agricultural markets. So, although I used to think that work in a bank was pretty boring, my work wasn't monotonous, because I did very different things with very different people.
For example, I attended a lot of appointments, I closed and opened accounts, I took care of deposits...
But the biggest part of my training-course consisted in keying in figures from companies' balance sheets, then analysing their activity, results, profitability... This work is realised from calculations, but it needs a good knowledge of every company above all.
It allows bank clerks to know their customers, which is important to assign credits for example, so this activity was really interesting, especially because I had to use knowledges I got during my course like accounting, finance and economy.
On the other hand, the training-course was a good experience because, as well, the world of business is very different from the university. The relationships between employees and trainees were excellent : there was a real team spirit, from director to trainees. During meetings, for example, trainees could give their opinions like every other employees.
This experience was finally really profitable. It gave me a general idea of the difficulties we can meet on a job, and how the world of business is far away from the university. As well, it gave me a new view of the banks : there are companies like others, who always have to reach new objectives, and not a boring world.

Edité par bridg le 11-03-2006 20:50

Réponse: In a bank ( correction) de traviskidd, postée le 12-03-2006 à 14:55:50 (S | E)
motivation letter --> cover letter (because it is the first page, so it "covers" the résumé)

Réponse: In a bank ( correction) de krokro, postée le 13-03-2006 à 20:37:41 (S | E)
Je me suis permis de modifier le texte plutôt à usage d'exercices personnels que de réelles corrections car mon anglais est très limité

My search for a training-course began in September. I had sent résumés and motivation letters to some banks of my town, and I had finally been called (got) for a work experience interview an the Crédit Mutuel . (an interview with an employee of Credit Mutuel), (which went very well).This one went off very well

My six-week training-course began on January 3rd. My working hours were the same as employees' : 35 hours a week, from Tuesday morning to Saturday on midday.
As soon as I arrived, I (got) had to know the twenty or so employees who work there in various (domains) fields like professional or agricultural markets.

So, although I used to think that such a work in a bank is (présent permanent) pretty boring, my work wasn't monotonous, because I did very many different things with very different people.
For example, I attended a lot of appointments, I closed and opened accounts, I took care of deposits...
But (the biggest part) most of my training-course consisted (in ) of keying in figures from company balance sheets, then analysing their activities, results, profitabilities... These studies are based on calculations, but they need also a good company environment knowledge .

The bank clerks have to know their customers as much as possible .This is a hot spot to available credits for example,( So this activity was really interesting,)

So this time was really interesting . I was allowed to use my course knowledges like accounting, finance and economy.
(On the other hand,ceci montre une opposition )It was worth testing out this job and to know how much the world of business is different from the university life.

The relationships between employees and trainees were excellent : there was a real team spirit, all employees included the director and the trainees were concerned in . In the meetings, for example, trainees could give their opinions like every other employees.

This experience was at last really (profitable) beneficial. It gave me a general idea of the difficulties we can meet (on) with a job, and how the world of business is far away from the university. As well, it gave me a new view of the banks : there are companies like others, who always have to reach new objectives . And their world are not a boring world.

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