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Message de mimi85 posté le 2004-07-19 13:07:22 (S | E | F | I)
I'm not proud of myself. I'm able to unsterdand english text but as soon as I want to write, I often make mistakes and I'm not able to build sentences up, only simple ones. How should I improve ? I will appreciate your ideas and help.

Réponse: re de mariet, postée le 2004-07-19 16:00:03 (S | E)
Do you think this could help ?

Réponse: re May be de mimi85, postée le 2004-07-19 19:55:19 (S | E)
I have just openned the link and read the titles. May be it's a way to improve in writing. As I haven't explored all this site, I didn't saw this subject. Sorry if I disturbed you, but I think no. I saw that you often help others on the differents forums. You know, I really want to be better and I didn't speak and write english for a long time only some simple mails for my job so, I have to remember grammar and vocabulary, etc... Thank you for the link, I will tell you if it helps in few days... I'm going to work...

Réponse: re de mariet, postée le 2004-07-19 21:48:50 (S | E)
You didn't disturb me at all!!! This morning I was in a rush and I had no time to comment on the link... But I wanted to give it to you as soon as possible.
You say you haven't explored all the site. How could you ? I've been visiting it for ages, long before I became a member, and I discover something new every day. That's why when I can indicate a shortcut through this maze, I do it as fast as I can, hoping at the same time it will lead my correspondent to new discoveries from there on.

Allow me to help you by correcting a few mistakes :
I have just opeNed the link and read the titles.
I didn't sEE this subject.
Sorry if I disturbed you, but I think I DIDN'T.
on the different (no s adj. = invariable)forums.
I didn't speak and write English for a long time (This would mean you spoke and wrote English only for a short time in the past) I think you mean to say it's been a long time since you last speak/write English so
=> I HAVEN'T SPOKEN/WRITTEN English for a long time

(Have a look at the grammar files about the past tenses to brush up your grammar.) ;)

Réponse: re Thanks de mimi85, postée le 2004-07-20 09:36:00 (S | E)
Hello Mariet
I appreciate your help. I allow you to correct my mistakes... I need it and I won't be angry with you. Il's also a way to progress. I'm going to follow your advice in having a look at the grammar.

Have a nice day.



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