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Exercices 15
Message de felin posté le 07-03-2005 à 03:19:49 (S | E | F | I)

Bonjour a tous

Correction mercredi soir

Fill in each space in the text with one word
About to, aren’t, no matter, take, however, is, are, due, will, decide, on, build, how, whatever, do

The council are ……..(0)make important changes in the city centre but I'm afraid that ……(1) they do, the problems will still remain. No matter …..(2) many new car parks they ….(3) at the edge city, traffic jams will not go away. The council has been……..(4) the verge of billing cars in the historic centre of the city but, whatever they…….(5) to do, business interests…….(6) react and do their best to oppose the new policy. Some measures have already been introduced. The mayor is …(7) to open a new pedestrian precinct in the old market. It has already been announced that cars …(8) not to park in the pedestrian area and, whenever they …..(9), they will be limped. This is a necessary step if the city centre ……(10) to become more pleasant for shoppers. Unfortunately, …..(11) hard they try, there is one problem the local authorities cannot solve: crime. Shoplifting and pickpocketing increase……….(12) what measures the police ……(13). If we want our cities to be safer, we ………(14) to grumble if local taxes increase.
Good luck.
Edité par bridg le 07-03-2005 07:04

Réponse: Exercices 15 de ruofei, postée le 09-03-2005 à 10:02:36 (S | E)
Bonjour felin,
voici ce que je proposerais:

The council are …about to…..(0) make important changes in the city centre but I'm afraid that …whatever…(1) they do, the problems will still remain. No matter …how..(2) many new car parks they …build...(3) at the edge city, traffic jams will not go away. The council has been …on…..(4) the verge of billing cars in the historic centre of the city but, whatever they…decide….(5) to do, business interests…will….(6) react and do their best to oppose the new policy. Some measures have already been introduced. The mayor is ..due…(7) to open a new pedestrian precinct in the old market. It has already been announced that cars …are..(8) not to park in the pedestrian area and, whenever they …do..(9), they will be limped. This is a necessary step if the city centre …is…(10) to become more pleasant for shoppers. Unfortunately, …however..(11) hard they try, there is one problem the local authorities cannot solve: crime. Shoplifting and pickpocketing increase…no matter…….(12) what measures the police …take…(13). If we want our cities to be safer, we …aren’t……(14) to grumble if local taxes increase.

Réponse: Exercices 15 de fapom39, postée le 09-03-2005 à 16:54:50 (S | E)

The council are about to make important changes in the city centre but I'm afraid that whatever they do, the problems will still remain. No matter how many new car parks they build at the edge city, traffic jams will not go away. The council has been on the verge of billing cars in the historic centre of the city but, whatever they decide to do, business interests will react and do their best to oppose the new policy. Some measures have already been introduced. The mayor is due to open a new pedestrian precinct in the old market. It has already been announced that cars are not to park in the pedestrian area and, whenever they do, they will be limped. This is a necessary step if the city centre is to become more pleasant for shoppers. Unfortunately, however hard they try, there is one problem the local authorities cannot solve: crime. Shoplifting and pickpocketing increase no matter what measures the police take. If we want our cities to be safer, we are to grumble if local taxes increase.

Réponse: Exercices 15 de felin, postée le 09-03-2005 à 20:55:53 (S | E)
Bonsoir Ruofei et Fapom

Voici la correction.


The council are about to (0)make important changes in the city centre but I'm afraid that whatever (1) they do, the problems will still remain. No matter how (2) many new car parks they build (3) at the edge city, traffic jams will not go away. The council has been on (4) the verge of billing cars in the historic centre of the city but, whatever they decide (5) to do, business interests will (6) react and do their best to oppose the new policy. Some measures have already been introduced. The mayor is due (7) to open a new pedestrian precinct in the old market. It has already been announced that cars are (8) not to park in the pedestrian area and, whenever they do (9), they will be limped. This is a necessary step if the city centre is (10) to become more pleasant for shoppers. Unfortunately, however (11) hard they try, there is one problem the local authorities cannot solve: crime. Shoplifting and pickpocketing increase no matter (12) what measures the police take (13). If we want our cities to be safer, we aren’t (14) to grumble if local taxes increase.

de votre participation
well done

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