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Message de lucile83 posté le 09-04-2005 à 15:35:18 (S | E | F | I)

Hello comme promis......mais je suis sûre que vous allez briller !

Nombre d’indispositions et de maladies peuvent être soignées par un omnipraticien, mais il est quelquefois nécessaire d’aller voir un spécialiste. Dans certains cas il est même nécessaire d’opérer. L’opération sera pratiquée par un chirurgien, soit à l’hôpital, soit dans une clinique. Des infirmières diplômées assistent le chirurgien et s’occupent du malade.. La chirurgie n’est plus la chose terrible qu’elle était, et dans beaucoup de cas la convalescence est étonnamment rapide. La chirurgie esthétique a de plus en plus de succès auprès des femmes.
See you soooooooonnnnnn

Réponse: Médecins/traduction de bridg, postée le 09-04-2005 à 15:56:55 (S | E)
Hello Lucile,
Si ce n'est que la majorité des citoyens à l'esprit simple disent plus volontiers se rendre chez leur médecin de ville ou médecin traitant que chez leur omnipraticien mais on va faire avec

Réponse: Médecins/traduction de lucile83, postée le 09-04-2005 à 16:00:16 (S | E)
pourquoi faire simple quand on peut faire compliqué ? mmmmm' enfin ...................

Réponse: Médecins/traduction de magmatic_rock, postée le 09-04-2005 à 16:02:22 (S | E)
Hello Lucile

Quantity indispositions and diseases can be treated by an generalist, but sometimes it must go to see a specialist. In particularity circumstances, it must operate even. The operation will be practised by a surgeon, either at hospital or in a clinic. Graduate nurses are present for the surgeon and take care of patient. The surgery is not the terrible thing which it was, and often the convalescence is amazingly fast. The aesthetics surgery is more and more a success for (comment dit-on auprès?) women.


Edité par magmatic_rock le 09-04-2005 16:04

Edité par magmatic_rock le 09-04-2005 16:29

Réponse: Médecins/traduction de good_doggy, postée le 09-04-2005 à 16:21:01 (S | E)
Hello everybody,

Many indispositions and diseases can be looked after by a general practitioner, but it's sometimes necessary to go to see a specialist. In certain cases it's even necessary to operate. The operation will be practised by a surgeon, either at the hospital, or in a private clinic. Graduate nurses assist the surgeon and look after the patient. The surgery isn’t anymore the terrible thing that it was, and in much case convalescence is surprisyngly fast. The plastic surgery has more and more success with women.

Merci Lucile.

Réponse: Médecins/traduction de who, postée le 09-04-2005 à 16:40:44 (S | E)
Hello Lucile,
J'ai raté l'échappée belle alors je réponds à celle-ci (si j'aurais su...)

A good deal of slight illnesses or diseases can be cured by general practioners. However, you sometimes may have to consult a specialist. Some cases even need to go through an operation. The operation is carried out in a hospital or in a clinic, by a surgeon who is assisted by a qualified nurse who also looks after the patient. Surgery is no longer the dreadful thing it used to be: indeed most patient make a surprisingly quick recovery. More and more women resort to plastic surgery nowadays.

Réponse: Médecins/traduction de bridg, postée le 09-04-2005 à 17:58:16 (S | E)
mais pas si facile que ça

Number of slight illness and diseases can be treated by a general practitioner, but sometimes we have to visit a specialist. In some cases it may even be necessary to operate. The surgical operation will be practised by a surgeon, either at the hospital, or in a private hospital. State registered nurses assist the surgeon and take charge of the patient. Nowadays surgery is not the terrible stuff it used to be, and often the convalescence is strangely fast. Aesthetic surgery is an increasing success with women.

Réponse: Médecins/traduction de tounette, postée le 09-04-2005 à 18:01:01 (S | E)

Lots of troubles and illness can be tend by a general practitioner but sometimes we must see a specialist. In some cases, it is even necessary to operate. The operation will be practised by a surgeon, either at the hospital or at a clinic. Qualified nurses help the surgeon and take care of the patient.Surgery is not the terrible thing that it used to be and often the convalescence is surprisingly fast. The plastic surgery has more and more success with women

Réponse: Médecins/traduction de magmatic_rock, postée le 09-04-2005 à 18:13:42 (S | E)
Alors je vais essayer de me corriger lucile avec votre aide mais c'est vraiment pas facile! J'ai mis en rouge ce que vous m'avez dit de corriger et derrière entre parenthèses mes corrections.
Quantity(quantities) indispositions and diseases can be treated by an generalist(some generalists), but sometimes it (we)must go to see a specialist. In particularity(particularities) circumstances, it(we) must operate even. The operation will be practised by a surgeon, either at hospital or in a clinic. Graduate nurses are present for the surgeon and take care of patient. The surgery is not the terrible thing which it was, and often the convalescence is amazingly fast. The aesthetics(aesthetic) surgery is more and more a success for women.

Voilà j'espère que c'est un peu mieux.

Réponse: Médecins/traduction de sun74, postée le 09-04-2005 à 18:36:03 (S | E)
Hi lucile,

Much indispositions and diseases can be treated by a general practitioner , but sometimes we need to go to see a specialist.
In a way case , it is necessary to operate .The operation will be made by a surgeon, either at the hospital or at a private hospital " clinic " .
Some graduate nurses help the surgeon and look after " take care of " the patients .
surgery is not the hard thing that it was , and in much case the convalescence is amazement fast .The plastic surgery has more and more success with the women .


Réponse: Médecins/traduction de isa71, postée le 09-04-2005 à 18:48:11 (S | E)
bonjour lucile

Many indispositions and diseases can be treated by a generalist,but it's sometimes necessary to go to see a specialist.
In some cases it's even necessary to operate.The operation will be carried out either in hospital or in a clinic.The nurses qualified help the surgeon and look after the patients.
The surgery isn't anymore the terrible thing that it was,and in much of case the convalescence is surprisingly fast.
The plastic surgery has more and more succes with women.

peut-on avoir une note??si ça ne te demande pas trop de travail!


Réponse: Médecins/traduction de jardin62, postée le 09-04-2005 à 20:49:17 (S | E)
Rien que d'y verdis.

A great deal of minor illnesses and diseases may be treated for by a General Practitioner but it's sometimes a necessity to see a specialist. It's sometimes even necessary to be operated on. The operation will be practised either at hospital or in a clinic by a surgeon assisted by qualified nurses who look after the patient. A surgery is no longer as frightening as it used to be and in a large number of cases convalescence is surprisingly fast. Plastic surgery /catches on more and more women / has more and more success with women. ( and men...)

Réponse: Médecins/traduction de gewurz, postée le 09-04-2005 à 22:23:18 (S | E)
Many indispositions and dIseases () can be treated by a GP, but sometimes, consulting a specialist is necessary. It may even be necessary to operate. Operations will be carried out by surgeons, either in hospital or in a clinic. Qualified nurses assist surgeons and take care of the patients. Surgery is not anymore that terrible thing it used to be, and convalescence is astonishingly (surprisingly ?) swift in a lot of cases. Plastic surgery meets more and more success with women.

Merci Lucile.

Réponse: Médecins/traduction de masselotte, postée le 10-04-2005 à 01:08:01 (S | E)
Bonsoir à toutes et à tous
merci lucile83 pour cet exercice

A lot of discomfort and illness could be care for by a doctor,but sometimes it's necessary to go see a specialist.But sometimes it's must be to operate on.The operation will be to make by a surgeon,in a hospital or a clinic. Some graduate nurses help the surgeon and take care of the ills.The surgery isn't as dreadful as into the past,and in lot on of cases the convalescence is uncannily fast.the nip and tuck has more and more success near to the women.

Edité par masselotte le 10-04-2005 10:50


Réponse: Médecins/traduction de ruofei, postée le 10-04-2005 à 02:42:00 (S | E)
Bonjour Lucile!

Most of the time, benign uneasiness cases and diseases can be cured by a G.P. It could however be necessary to go and see a specialist or even to be operated. A surgeon, either in a hospital or in a clinic, will perform the operation. Graduate nurses will assist him and take care of the patient. Surgery isn’t as fearful/painful a matter as it used to be and the recovery proves to be quite fast in most cases. Plastic surgery is becoming more and more popular among American actresses…oh sorry…women!

A bientôt.

Edit?par ruofei le 10-04-2005 12:11
Merci Lucile

Réponse: Médecins/traduction de elibarclo, postée le 10-04-2005 à 10:11:20 (S | E)
. a good exercice ;Thanks.

A lot of indispositions and diseases can be treated by a practitionner, but sometimes it needs to go and see a specialist. In some cases, it even needs to operate.The operation will be praticed by a surgeon, either in a hospital or in a clinic.Graduated nurses assist the surgeon and look after the patient. The surgery is no longer the terrific thing that it was and in many cases the convalescence is asthonislingly rapid. The plastic surgery is more and more successful in the eyes of the women.

Réponse: Médecins/traduction de rico17, postée le 10-04-2005 à 11:47:02 (S | E)
Hello Lucile,

Many minor illness and diseases can be treated by a General Practitioner, but it is sometime necessary to visit a specialist. In some cases it is even necessary to operate on. The operation will be practised by a surgeon either in hospital, or in a clinic. Qualified nurses help the surgeon and take care the patient. The surgery isn’t as so terrible as it was, and in many cases the convalescence is astonishingly quick. Esthetic surgery has more and more success with women.

Réponse: Médecins/traduction de grabuge, postée le 10-04-2005 à 15:57:17 (S | E)
Bonjour Lucile

Number of indispositions and illness can be cured by a general practitioner, but, sometimes, it's necessary to see a specialist.
In some cases it's even necessary to operate. The operation will be practise by a surgeon, either at the hospital or in a clinic. Graduate nurses help the surgeon and take care of the patients. Surgery isn't anymore the terrible thing that it was and in lots of case, the convalescence is surprisingly fast. Cosmetic surgery has more and more
success with women.

Beaucoup de mot à mot... je n'ai pu faire mieux


Réponse: Médecins/traduction de jammy, postée le 10-04-2005 à 16:27:28 (S | E)
A lot of indispositions and diseases can be cured by a general practitioner, but sometimes you must go at a specialist’s. In some cases you must even operate. The operation will be undergone by a surgeon, either in a hospital, or in a nursing home. Qualified nurses assist the surgeon and look after the patient. The surgery is not the terrible thing it used to be, and in many cases it is surprising how quick is recovery. Plastic surgery is more and more successful with women.

Merci Lucile! J’espère que mon avant dernière phrase est correcte… (prise de risque)

Réponse: Médecins/traduction de lucile83, postée le 11-04-2005 à 07:55:02 (S | E)
Merci à tous pour votre participation et bravo pour vos efforts ; je note des traductions excellentes, parfaites même pour certain(e)s; voici ma proposition;
See you soon

Many complaints and diseases can be cured by a general practitioner, but it is sometimes necessary to go and see a specialist. In some cases it is even necessary to operate. The operation will be performed by a surgeon, either in a hospital or in a nursing home. Trained nurses assist the surgeon and attend to the patient. Surgery is no longer the frightful affair it used to be and in many cases, recovery is surprisingly quick. Aesthetic surgery is increasingly popular with women.

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