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Message de felin posté le 04-05-2005 à 14:23:56 (S | E | F | I)

Bonjour a tous

Correction Samedi ou Dimanche soir.

Use the word given at the end of each line to form a word that fits the gap in the same line.

A Formal Letter

Dear Sir or Madam,

I read your......(1 ADVERTISE) in International Business magazine and I am writing for more information concerning entry.......(2 REQUIRE) for the course in English Language.......(3 IMPROVE). Could you tell me what language...........(4 QUALIFY) are required? I do not possess the First Certificate and would like to know if.......... (5 ACCEPT) on the course depends on having the FCE? In fact, as I am an.....(6 ACCOUNT) for an international..........(7 INVEST) company I would be interested in a course which focuses on language...........(8 DEVELOP) for both social and............(9 BUSY) purposes. I would also like to know the....... (10 DISTANT) from the college to London and if...........(11 ATTEND) at all classes is obligatory, or whether an occasional........(12 ABSENT) for purposes of travel is acceptable.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,

Good luck.

Réponse: Exercices:Suffixes de bamjaafar, postée le 04-05-2005 à 14:40:50 (S | E)
Dear Sir or Madam,
I read your advertsement in International Business magazine and I am writing for more information concerning entry.requirements for the course in English Language improvali Could you tell me what language qualifications are required? I do not possess the First Certificate and would like to know if acceptance on the course depends on having the FCE? In fact, as I am an accountant for an international investment company I would be interested in a course which focuses on language developpment for both social and busy purposes. I would also like to know thedistance from the college to London and ifattendance at all classes is obligatory, or whether an occasional absencefor purposes of travel is acceptable.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
Good luck.
Edité par bridg le 05-05-2005 16:47
retrait de l'enoncé et des majuscules.

Réponse: Exercices:Suffixes de jardin62, postée le 04-05-2005 à 21:09:39 (S | E)
Bonsoir felin.
Dear Sir or madam,
I read your advertisement in the International Business magazine and I am writing for more information concerning entry requirement for the course in English Language improvement. Could you tell me what language qualifications are required? I do not possess the First Certificate and would like to know if acceptance on the course depends on having the FCE. In fact, as I am an accountant for an international investment company I would be interested in a course which focuses on language development for both social and business purposes. I would also like to know the distance from the college to London and if attendance at all classes is obligatory, or whether an occasional absence for purposes of travel is acceptable.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,

Réponse: Exercices:Suffixes de isa71, postée le 04-05-2005 à 23:19:48 (S | E)
bonsoir tout le monde

A Formal Letter

Dear Sir or Madam,

I read your advertisement in International Business magazine and I am writing for more information concerning entry requirement for the course in English Language improvement Could you tell me what language qualifications are required? I do not possess the First Certificate and would like to know if acceptance on the course depends on having the FCE? In fact, as I am an accountant for an international investment company I would be interested in a course which focuses on language development for both social and busily purposes. I would also like to know the distance from the college to London and if attendance at all classes is obligatory, or whether an occasional absence for purposes of travel is acceptable.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,


Réponse: Exercices:Suffixes de grabuge, postée le 05-05-2005 à 08:10:03 (S | E)
Bonjour felin

1 advertisement
2 requirement
3 improvement
4 qualifications
5 acceptance
6 accountant
7 investment
8 development
9 business
10 distance
11 attendance
12 absence

Edité par grabuge le 05-05-2005 19:19 Marie, en plus je suis "accountant", celà est impardonnable !

Réponse: Exercices:Suffixes de post-scriptum, postée le 05-05-2005 à 15:20:26 (S | E)
Dear Sir or Madam,

I read your advertisement in International Business magazine and I am writing for more information concerning entry requirement for the course in English Language improvement. Could you tell me what language qualifications are required? I don't possess the First Certificate and would like to know if acceptance on the course depends on having the FCE? In fact, as I am an accountant for an international investment company I would be interested in a course which focuses on language development for both social and business purposes. I would also like to know the distance from the college to London and if attendance at all classes is obligatory, or whether an occasional absence (absenteism) for purposes of travel is acceptable.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,

Edité par post-scriptum le 05-05-2005 15:21

Réponse: Exercices:Suffixes de marie37400, postée le 05-05-2005 à 18:46:04 (S | E)
Hello Félin !
Je m'étais dit que je ne ferais pas d'exo aujourd'hui, mais.... la tentation est trop forte
Voici donc mes propositions :
1) advertisement
2) requirement
3) improvement
4) qualifications
5) acceptance
6) accountant
7) investment
8) development
9) business
10) distance
11) attendance
12) absence
Mais c'est terrible, je ne l'ai encore pas tenté mon FCE, ils ne voudront pas de moi
Merci beaucoup à toi !
Have a great evening,

Réponse: Exercices:Suffixes de gewurz, postée le 06-05-2005 à 16:28:38 (S | E)
Dear Sir or Madam,

I read your ADVERTISEMENT/AD in International Business magazine and I am writing for more information concerning entry REQUIREMENTS for the course in English Language IMPROVEMENT. Could you tell me what language QUALIFICATIONS are required? I do not possess the First Certificate and would like to know if ACCEPTANCE on the course depends on having the FCE? In fact, as I am an ACCOUNTANT for an international INVESTMENT company I would be interested in a course which focuses on language DEVELOPMENT for both social and BUSINESS purposes. I would also like to know the DISTANCE from the college to London and if ATTENDANCE at all classes is obligatory, or whether an occasional ABSENCE for purposes of travel is acceptable.

I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully.

Merci Felin, plein de mots inconnus qui ne le sont plus anymore

Réponse: Exercices:Suffixes de felin, postée le 07-05-2005 à 22:44:04 (S | E)
Bonsoir a tous

Voici la correction

I read your advertisement in International Business magazine and I am writing for more information concerning entry reqiurements for the course in English Language improvement . Could you tell me what language qualification are required? I do not possess the First Certificate and would like to know if acceptance on the course
depends on having the FCE? In fact, as I am an accountant for an international investment company I would be interested in a course which focuses on language development for both social and business purposes. I would also like to know the distance from the college to London and if attendanceat all classes is obligatory, or whether an occasional absence for purposes of travel is acceptable.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,

pour votre participation.

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