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Forme passive
Message de grabuge posté le 05-05-2005 à 20:25:44 (S | E | F | I)

Je vous propose un exercice facile afin de se familiariser avec les phrases à la forme passive (avant de faire plus compliqué hihihi)

- Faire une ou deux propositions de phrases à la forme passive correspondant à celle donnée à la forme active :
Ex : Someone handed me a note
- I was handed a note / A note was handed to me.

1/ Someone offered her a bicycle
2/ Someone has proposed improvements to the developers
3/ Someone suggested some interesting changes to me
4/ Someone awarded him a prize
5/ Someone will announce the President's arrival to the waiting journalists
6/ Someone had mentioned the password to the thieves
7/ Someone has lent me some skis
8/ Someone is sending him threatening letters
9/ Someone is going to explain the changes to the students

A vous - Correction dimanche ou lundi

Réponse: Forme passive de savoir, postée le 05-05-2005 à 21:41:49 (S | E)
Tentative de réponses à l'exercice "forme passive":
1/ She was offered a bicycle
2/ Improvements has been proposed to the developers
3/Some interesting changes were suggested to me
4/A prize was awarded to him
5/The President's arrival will be announced to the waiting journalists
6/The password has been mentioned to the thieves
7/The term "lent " (not understand the meaning in spite of translator)
8/Threatening letters were send to him
9/The changes are going to be explain to the students
Débutant ,c'est mon premier exercice et mon premier contact avec la page exercices ,excusez les erreurs.

Edité par joy813 le 06-05-2005 11:17
Vos réponses étaient en double exemplaire

Réponse: Forme passive de post-scriptum, postée le 05-05-2005 à 22:01:28 (S | E)
Bonsoir grabuge,

1/ Someone offered her a bicycle
A bicycle was offered to her.
It was offered a bicycle to her.
She was offered a bicycle.
2/ Someone has proposed improvements to the developers
Improvements have been proposed to the developers.
It has been proposed improvements to the developers.
The developers have been proposed improvements.
3/ Someone suggested some interesting changes to me
Some interesting changes were suggested to me.
It was suggested some interesting changes to me.
I was proposed some interesting changes.
4/ Someone awarded him a prize
A prize was awarded to him.
It was awarded a prize to him.
He was awarded a prize.
5/ Someone will announce the President's arrival to the waiting journalists
The President's arrival will be announced to the waiting journalists.
The waiting journalists will be announced the President's arrival.
6/ Someone had mentioned the password to the thieves
The password had been mentioned to the thieves.
It had been mentioned the password to the thieves.
The thieves had been mentioned the password.
7/ Someone has lent me some skis
Some skis have been lent to me.
It has been lent me some skis
I have been lent some skis.
8/ Someone is sending him threatening letters
Threatening letters are being sent to him.
It's being sent threatening letters to him.
He is being sent threatening letters.
9/ Someone is going to explain the changes to the students
The changes are going to be explained to the students.
It's going to be explained the changes to the students.
The students are going to be explained the changes.

Merci et à bientôt grabuge

Réponse: Forme passive de sun74, postée le 06-05-2005 à 09:02:44 (S | E)
Hello grabuge ,

J`ai encore du mal avec le passif , cet exercice est le bienvenue

1) She was offered a bicycle / a bicycle was offered to her .
2) Improvements have been proposed to the developers
The developers have been proposed improvements
3) I was suggested some interesting changes
Some interesting changes were suggested to me
4) A prize was awarded to him
He was awarded a prize
5) The president`s arrival will be announced to the waiting journalists
The waiting journalists will be annouced the president`s arrival
6) The password had been mentioned to the thieves
the thieves had been mentionned the password
7) I have been lent some skis / some shis have been lent to me
8) He is being sending theatening letters
theatening letters are being sending to him
9) The changes are going to be explained to the students
The students are going to be explained the changes

ouf , j ai fini

Edité par sun74 le 06-05-2005 09:03

Réponse: Forme passive de jardin62, postée le 06-05-2005 à 09:32:18 (S | E)
grabuge. Bonjour!
1- She was offered a bicycle/ A bicycle was offered to her
2- The developers have been proposed improvements/ Improvements have been proposed to the developers
3- I was suggested some interesting changes/ Some interesting changes were suggested to me
4- He was awarded a prize/ A prize was awarded to him
5- The waiting journalists will be announced the President's arrival/ The President's arrival will be announced to the waiting journalists
6- The thieves had been (communicated/ given/ revealed) the password/ the password had been (communicated/ given/ revealed) to the thieves
7- I have been lent some skis/ Some skis have been lent to me
8- He is being sent threatening letters/ Threatening letters are being sent to him
9- The students are going to be explained the changes/ The changes are going to be explained to the students.
* Il vaut mieux rester concentré et suivre les temps de départ, hé, hé... bonne journée grabuge/ ça fait 3 fois que je me relis!

Edité par bridg le 06-05-2005 11:40

Réponse: Forme passive de joy813, postée le 06-05-2005 à 11:37:15 (S | E)
Hello Grabuge

1/ She was offered a bicyle ; a bicycle was offered to her
2/ The developers have been proposed improvements ; improvements have been proposed to the developers.
3/ I was suggested some interesting changes; some interesting changes were suggested to me.
4/ He was awarded a prize; a prize was awarded to him
5/ The waiting journalists will be annouced the President's arrival; The President's arrival will be annouced to the waiting journalists
6/ The thieves had been mentioned the password; the password had been anounced to the thieves.
7/ I have been lent some skis; some skis have been lent to me.
8/ He is being sent threatening letters; Threatening letters are being sent to him
9/ The students are going to be explained the changes; The changes are going to be explained to the students.

Réponse: Forme passive de woodyrun, postée le 06-05-2005 à 11:39:37 (S | E)
Hello !

1/ Someone offered her a bicycle
She was offered a bicycle
A bicycle was offered to her

2/ Someone has proposed improvements to the developers
Developers had been proposed improvements
Improvements had been proposed to developers

3/ Someone suggested some interesting changes to me
I was suggested some interesting changes
Interesting changes were suggested to me

4/ Someone awarded him a prize
He was awarded a prize
A prize was awarded to him

5/ Someone will announce the President's arrival to the waiting
The waiting journalists will be announced the Presedent's arrival
The President's arrival will be announced to the waiting journalists.

6/ Someone had mentioned the password to the thieves
The thieves had been mentioned the password
the password had been mentionned to the thieves

7/ Someone has lent me some skis
I have been lent some skis
Skis have been lent to me

8/ Someone is sending him threatening letters
Threatening letters were sent to him
He was sent threatening letters

9/ Someone is going to explain the changes to the students
The students were going to be explained the changes
The changes were going to be explained to the students

bye bye !

Réponse: Forme passive de marie37400, postée le 08-05-2005 à 20:02:38 (S | E)
Hello Grabuge
Pourquoi faire simple quand on peut faire compliqué ?
Vu ce que tu nous annonces, je viens donc faire mon entraînement :

1- She was offered a bicycle
A bicycle was offered to her
2- The developers have been proposed improvements
Improvements have been proposed to the developers
3- I was suggested some interesting changes
Some interesting changes were suggested to me
4- He was awarded a prize
A prize was awarded to him
5- The waiting journalists will be announced the President's arrival
The President's arrival will be announced to the waiting journalists
6- The thieves had been mentioned the password
The password had been mentioned to the thieves
7- I have been lent some skis
Some skis have been lent to me
8- He is being sent threatening letters
Threatening letters are being sent to him
9- The students are going to be explained the changes
The changes are going to be explained to the students

Bien, je vais aller manger du chocolat après cet effort de concentration et en attendant le pire
à toi quand même......
Seeeeeeeee youuuuuuuu

Réponse: Forme passive de grabuge, postée le 09-05-2005 à 18:57:02 (S | E)
Hello, voici la correction. Je vous concocte un autre exercice (qui est loin de mon niveau... très très loin même) juste pour remuer vos méninges que le soleil engourdit peut-être. Je le posterai sûrement demain.

1/ Someone offered her a bicycle
She was offered a bicycle / A bicycle was offered (to) her.
2/ Someone has proposed improvements to the developers
Improvements have been proposed to the developers.
3/ Someone suggested some interesting changes to me
Some interesting changes were suggested to me.
4/ Someone awarded him a prize
He was awarded a prize / A prize was awarded to him.
5/ Someone will announce the President's arrival to the waiting journalists
The President's arrival will be annouced to the waiting journalists.
6/ Someone had mentioned the password to the thieves
The password had been mentioned to the thieves.
7/ Someone has lent me some skis
I have been lent some skis. / Some skis have been lent to me.
8/ Someone is sending him threatening letters
He is being sent threatening letters. / Threatening letters are being sent to him.
9/ Someone is going to explain the changes to the students.
The changes are going to be explain to the students.

A tous et en particulier, aux débutants qui se débrouillent très bien avec les temps. Encore

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