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Correction/ Oral

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction/ Oral
Message de richardcoeu posté le 14-12-2017 à 23:35:19 (S | E | F)
je vous écris afin d'avoir si possible la correction d'une partie de mon oral que j'ai écrit. Cet oral concerne le récit d'un voyage. Il n'y a là qu'une seule partie.
Merci pour vos réponses.

Hey, Jimmy how are you , I just have learnt on your Facebook wall that you have travelled this week.
Hi Lucy, yes it’s true I just have comeback from a travel of 3 days in Paris and Cracovie.
It must have been amazing ! What have you doing while in Paris ?
Yes it was really amazing. Look a this pictures, I visited a lot of monuments, the Pantheon th……. (interruption)
Oh ! the Pantheon, I have learnt few months ago that two women’s have been pantheonized, do you saw theirs coffins. I think they was two resistants of the World War 2.
Yes I have seen these after 2 hours of visit, it was so long. After we could learn more about the SOAH in a memorial of Consistory
Oh ! this is least fun.
It’s true but I think we need to see this memorial , to know more our History. This is important to remember whats happen in the past. But switch to the other photo. Oh I forgot this moment, we had an incredible chance to visit the Elysee Palace. It was so amazing, we seen the First Lady Brigitte Macron
Incredible, you see a very extrodinary person. You see the First Lady but have you seen the first dog Nemo ?
Yes the First Lady come with him to see us, he is so amusing. And now as you can see these pictures represent the most important part of the travel, the visit of Auschwitz a concentration camp situate next to Cracovie.
Mmmhh. I heard lot of horrific things about this situation
I think, this is the reality. is visit was an horrific vision of human monstrosity. We have chance to be the witness of this sad part of our history.
Have you ever gone to Birkneau this center of put death ?
Yes we have doing a little ceremony in tribute of all Jewish who found death in this place. I was so touching.

Modifié par lucile83 le 15-12-2017 11:41

Réponse : Correction/ Oral de gerold, postée le 15-12-2017 à 17:48:58 (S | E)
Bonjour richardcoeu
Votre texte comporte de grosses fautes de grammaire, notamment de conjugaison. Corrigez déjà les erreurs indiquées et repostez le texte.

Hey, Jimmy how are you , I just (pas au bon endroit) have learnt on your Facebook wall that you have travelled this week.
Hi Lucy, yes it’s true I just (idem) have comeback (deux mots) from a travel of 3 days (pas très anglais) in (autre préposition) Paris and Cracovie (cherchez le nom anglais de cette ville sur Internet) .
It must have been amazing ! What have you doing while in Paris ?
Yes it was really amazing. Look a this pictures, I visited a lot of monuments, the Pantheon th……. (interruption)
Oh ! the Pantheon, I have learnt few months ago that two women’s have been pantheonized, do you saw (prétérit et erreur de conjugaison) theirs coffins. I think they was two resistants of the World War 2.
Yes I have seen these after 2 hours of visit, it was so long. After we could learn more about the SHOAH in a memorial of Consistory
Oh ! this is least fun.
It’s true but I think we need to see this memorial , to know more our History. This is important to remember whats happen (prétérit) in the past. But switch to the other photo. Oh I forgot this moment, we had an incredible chance (autre mot) to visit the Elysee Palace. It was so amazing, we seen the First Lady Brigitte Macron
Incredible, you see (prétérit) a very extrodinary (orthographe) person. You see (prétérit) the First Lady but have you seen the first dog Nemo ?
Yes the First Lady come (prétérit) with him to see us, he is so amusing. And now as you can see these pictures represent the most important part of the travel, the visit of Auschwitz a concentration camp situate (participe passé) next to Cracovie.
Mmmhh. I heard lot (pluriel) of horrific things about this situation
I think, this is the reality. is visit was an (forme de l´article indéfini) horrific vision of human monstrosity. We have chance to be the witness of this sad part of our history (vous ne pouvez pas être témoin d´événements qui ont eu lieu il y a plus de 70 ans) .
Have you ever gone to Birkenau this center of put death (le lieu où les gens êtaient exécutés (to put somebody to death) ?
Yes we have doing a little ceremony in tribute of all Jewish who found death in this place. I was so touching.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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