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Dialogue /Australie

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Dialogue /Australie
Message de georges33 posté le 01-01-2018 à 18:55:14 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous ,
en anglais on doit écrire un dialogue d'un étudiant qui part en voyage à l'étranger et qui appelle celui qui va l'héberger pour lui poser des questions sur les choses pratiques à savoir.
Harry est l'étudiant et Reece est celui qui va l'héberger pendant un an. Pourriez-vous me corriger mes fautes svp s'il vous plait. J'ai notamment un doute sur la traduction de prise électrique = electrical outlet. d'avance

.Harry : Hi, It is me, Harry, I'm calling you again to ask you questions about practical things in your country. Am I not disturbing you?
Reece : Not at all, what do you want to know about australia?
H : What visa would you advise me to stay in Australia for a year?
R : I advise you to take a Visitor visa, but in order to obtain it you must justify that you have sufficient income and health insurance.
H : By the way, you know cheap health insurance ?
R : The CFE is the cheapest, it's the one I use.
H : My banker advised me to open an account at a local bank, which one is best?
R : Take Westpac or Anz, both are fine. And about money, check if your phone can call from Australia and if it's not too expensive.
H : Thanks, I hadn't thought of that. I'll check because I wish I could call my parents. I have another question about phones, what do you use as an electrical outlet?
R : Oh, yeah, that's right, you have some weird electrical sockets. You will need to buy an adapter to charge your phone from a normal electrical outlet.
H : Another thing, I wanted to know if the big Australian cities were safe.
R : Yes, Australian cities are very safe. Outside the cities, the main dangers are crocodiles, snakes, spiders, sharks, stone fish, jellyfish
H : Okay, I get it and what's the climate?
R : In my area, there is a lot of sunshine and it's hot. So I suggest you take sunscreen.
H : Great, I love the sun. I also have a few questions about housing, is it downtown or in the suburbs?
R : Our house is located in the suburbs. Fortunately, there are many means of transport such as bus, metro or tram which allow you to get to the university in the city centre in three quarters of an hour. In general, there is no strike or delay.
H : Great, and finally, can you tell me if there are any stores near your house?
R : Near my house there is a tobacco shop, a post office and a pharmacy. For the other shops you have to go downtown.
H : Great, Thank you for answering my questions. I'll call you back soon to tell you the exact day of my arrival.
R : Okay, see you soon
H : Bye

Modifié par lucile83 le 01-01-2018 22:44

Réponse : Dialogue /Australie de gerondif, postée le 02-01-2018 à 19:09:41 (S | E)
erreurs en bleu, suggestions en vert
Harry : Hi, It is me, Harry, I'm calling you again to ask you questions about practical things in your country. Am I not(ne se dit pas) disturbing you?(I hope I'm not disturbing you, am I ?)
Reece : Not at all, what do you want to know about australia?
H : What visa would you advise me to get to stay in Australia for a year?
R : I advise you to take a Visitor visa, but in order to obtain it you must justify that you have sufficient income and health insurance.
H : By the way, you know(forme interrogative) cheap health insurance ?
R : The CFE is the cheapest, it's the one I use.
H : My banker advised me to open an account at a local bank, which one is best?
R : Take Westpac or Anz, both are fine. And about money, check if your phone can call from Australia and if it's not too expensive.
H : Thanks, I hadn't thought of that. I'll check because I wish I could call(signifie si seulement je pouvais appeler mes parents, un regret, vous voulez dire; I would like to be able to call my parents) my parents. I have another question about phones, what do you use as an electrical outlet?(ne se dit pas, on dirait: What sort of electrical plugs (prise au bout du fil) and sockets (prise murale) do you use in Australia ?)
R : Oh, yeah, that's right, you have some weird electrical sockets. You will need to buy an adapter to charge your phone from a normal electrical outlet(trop technique).
H : Another thing, I wanted to know if the big Australian cities were safe.
R : Yes, Australian cities are very safe. Outside the cities, the main dangers are crocodiles, snakes, spiders, sharks, stone fish, jellyfish
H : Okay, I get it and what's the climate like?
R : In my area, there is a lot of sunshine and it's hot. So I suggest you take sunscreen.
H : Great, I love the sun. I also have a few questions about housing, is it downtown or in the suburbs?
R : Our house is located in the suburbs. Fortunately, there are many means of transportation such as(mettez-les au pluriel) bus, metro or tram which allow you to get to the university in the city centre(center) in three quarters of an hour. In general, there is no strike or delay.
H : Great, and finally, can you tell me if there are any stores near your house?
R : Near my house there is a tobacco shop, a post office and a pharmacy. For the other shops you have to go downtown.
H : Great, Thank you for answering my questions. I'll call you back soon to tell you the exact day of my arrival.
R : Okay, see you soon
H : Bye

Réponse : Dialogue /Australie de georges33, postée le 03-01-2018 à 19:33:54 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup


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