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Learnt / learned

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Learnt / learned
Message de nongprue posté le 13-11-2018 à 09:29:51 (S | E | F)
Hello,and good start to the week, everyone

It appears that I am the only one in the world who write "learnt" because "anglaisfacile" has taught us the good habits.
I have never read even one text using the verb "to learn" in its irregular form, ever.
Everybody spells "learned". Why and how do you want me to do?
This question may seem trivial but you'll admit that there is something to wonder about this issue.
Practice learning, but learning is definitely not practice.
Regards. Thank you.

Modifié par lucile83 le 13-11-2018 10:59

Réponse : Learnt / learned de lucile83, postée le 13-11-2018 à 11:06:28 (S | E)
The fact is that Learnt is mostly used in British English, whereas Learned is mostly used in American English. Lien internet

Be careful as Learned may be an adjective meaning that someone has a great knowledge after their studies. Lien internet

Réponse : Learnt / learned de nongprue, postée le 13-11-2018 à 13:47:55 (S | E)
Hello, lucile83
Interesting indeed.
I have learnt things. I'll visit again those websites in a quieter moment to better consult examples and links.
I noticed the difference in pronunciation as well.
By the way, give a try with google translator.
Listen to it pronouncing "learned" and "learnt".
Substantially the same thing. Not at all like on your links.
Take care.

Réponse : Learnt / learned de lucile83, postée le 13-11-2018 à 14:14:54 (S | E)
Learnt and learned are past participles; to learn-learnt-learnt or to learn-learned-learned. They are pronounced like a 't' or a 'd' at the end.
Learned may be an adjective and the pronunciation is different ; listen with a good dictionary here : Lien internet

You can hear -id at the end of the word...just to tell people that it is the adjective Learned.
Hope it is clear now.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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