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Correction/greatest experience

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais : Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction/greatest experience
Message de manu235 posté le 20-05-2020 à 15:01:13 (S | E | F)
J'aimerais améliorer mon expression écrite. Pourriez-vous apporter des corrections à ce texte s'il vous plait? :
Merci pour vos réponses.

My greatest experience :
Last year, I have run a marathon, that was my greatest sport experience. First of all, I will explain why I like running very much.
Five yers ago, when my daughter joined the athletic club, I was told that a group of adults was running during the same time as the childredn's training and also that a coach was training the runners at different level from beginners to advanced runners.As I didn't want to lose tile waiting for my daughter to finish her training, I decided to jpin a group of runners as a beginner. As I found this activity good for my health, I keep on running regurlarly at a low pace. Liitle by little, my perfomrances were improving. I also sarted to feel addicted to running. The more I was running, the more I wanted to go further and go beyond my capabilities. I wanted to run longer distance. Consequently, the amount of kilometers I ran were increasing more and more. Then, I decided to participate in a race in order to set personaL objectives. The race brings a lot of motivation because you are running against time and with other runners. It brings the feeling of competion. After several races of 5 and 10 km, I decided to go the extra mile and run a 20km race. With the appropriate training, I managed to finish a half-marathon easily. Until oene day when the idea of running a marathon gets into my mind and didn't leave my thoughts anymore. I really had to run the marathon and I subscribed for the AMsterdam marathon that took place on October last year. Then, the training started whixh was tough not only physically but also mentally. Finally, on October I did it in 4H49 min and I am poud of it !

Modifié par lucile83 le 20-05-2020 17:16

Réponse : Correction/greatest experience de gerondif, postée le 21-05-2020 à 14:16:11 (S | E)
Erreurs en bleu
My greatest experience :
Last year, I have run(prétérit à cause de la date : I ran) a marathon, that was my greatest sport experience. First of all, I will explain why I like running very much.
Five years ago, when my daughter joined the athletic club, I was told that a group of adults was running during (at)the same time as the children's training and also that a coach was training the runners at different levels from beginners to advanced runners.As I didn't want to lose time waiting for my daughter to finish her training, I decided to join a group of runners as a beginner. As I found this activity good for my health, I keep(prétérit, kept) on running regularly at a slow pace. Liitle by little, my perfomrances were improving(plutôt un prétéit, improved). I also started to feel addicted to running. The more I was running, the more I wanted to go further and go beyond my capabilities. I wanted to run longer distances. Consequently, the amount of kilometers I ran were increasing(plutôt un prétérit simple : increased) more and more. Then, I decided to participate in a race in order to set personal objectives. The race brings a lot of motivation because you are running against time and with other runners. It brings the feeling of competion (competition ? completion ?). After several races of 5 and 10 km (five or ten kilometres long), I decided to go the extra mile and run a 20km race. With the appropriate training, I managed to finish a half-marathon easily. Until one day when the idea of running a marathon gets(prété"rit got) into my mind and didn't leave my thoughts anymore. I really had to run the marathon and I subscribed(c'est plutôt s'abonner, I enrolled for, I registered for, I signed for,) for the AMsterdam marathon that took place in October(in 2019, in March 2019, on Friday, March 29th, 2019) last year. Then, the training started which 'maladroit, ce which, it suffirait) was tough not only physically but also mentally. Finally, on October I did it in 4H49 min and I am proud of it !

Réponse : Correction/greatest experience de manu235, postée le 22-05-2020 à 08:10:40 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour votre réponse


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