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Cover letter/ correction

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Cover letter/ correction
Message de nia234 posté le 03-04-2021 à 16:41:16 (S | E | F)
je dois faire une lettre de motivation pour être l'assistante d'une professeur.
Je dois faire un bilan de mes activités extra-scolaires ainsi que de mes expériences.
Sur cette lettre de motivation je dois utiliser la proposition infinitive, le present perfect, le present perfect be-ing ainsi que for/since. S'il vous plaît j'aimerais une correction de mon travail. Merci de votre aide.
ps: S'il n'y a pas l'adresse c'est que je la mettrai après ainsi que la photo.
Voici la lettre:

Subject : internship request

Dear Mrs. Bxxx,

I am 14 years old and I am currently in the third grade at the college ;;;;;
As part of my studies and in order to take a second contact with the professional world.
I am writing to you to apply for the position of sports education assistant, as announced on your website. I am a studious, smiling, serious, motivated student and I think I am capable of fulfilling this role with energy and enthusiasm.

For me, sport is a passion, but also an art of living. My extracurricular activities are basketball, athletics, reading. I have been playing basketball in my school's team for three years. I have also been doing track and field for three years. I have participated in
I have participated in a walking competition, I have practiced skiing, rollerblading, cycling, wrestling and handball.
I am very sporty.

Particularly interested in the field of sport and wishing to continue my studies in this field, I would like to do my internship as your assistant.
This will allow me during these few days to refine my
my vocation for this profession and thus deepen my knowledge of it.
This is the reason why I would like to do this job later on.
But also the reason why I am sending you my application for an internship.
Serious, assiduous, motivated and voluntary I will be integrated in your team of teachers.

In the hope of a favorable answer I take you to agree Madam,my respectful greetings.


Modifié par lucile83 le 03-04-2021 18:09
gris + forum

Réponse : Cover letter/ correction de gerondif, postée le 04-04-2021 à 15:57:00 (S | E)
Erreurs en bleu.
Dear Mrs. Bxxx,

I am 14 years old and I am currently in the third grade at the college ;;;;;(college en anglais, c'est un IUT une fac. secondary school, school, high school)
As part of my studies and in order to take a second contact with the professional world.(ce point ne veut rien dire, virgule !)
I am writing to you to apply for the position of sports education assistant, as announced on your website. I am a studious, smiling, serious, motivated student and I think I am capable of fulfilling this role with energy and enthusiasm.

For me, sport is a passion, but also an art of living (a way of life). My extracurricular activities are basketball, athletics, reading. I have been playing basketball in my school's team(plutôt un nom composé) for three years. I have also been doing track and field for three years. I have participated in
I have participated in (taken part in) a walking competition, I have practiced (pracrice est un nom et practise un verbe en anglais britannique) skiing, rollerblading, cycling, wrestling and handball.
I am very sporty.

Particularly interested in the field of sport and wishing to continue my studies in this field, I would like to do my internship as your assistant.
This will allow me during these few days to refine my vocation for this profession and thus deepen my knowledge of it.
This is the reason why I would like to do this job later on.(enlevez ce point)
But also the reason why I am sending you my application for an internship.
Serious, assiduous, motivated and voluntary (virgule)I will be integrated(vous dites "je serai intégrée" comme si c'était fait et obligatoire. Dites plutôt, je m'intégrerai facilement..) in your team of teachers.

In the hope of (hoping for) a favorable answer (virgule)I take you to agree Madam,my respectful greetings.(respectful greetings ? Je ne pense pas que ça se dise . Greetings, je le vois sur les cartes de voeux à Noël)
Bizarre cette erreur ! "je vous prie d'agréer" devient "je vous prends d'agréer". Vous avez balancé une phrase de français au traducteur automatique ? to agree signifie agréer au sens d'être d'accord, je ne suis pas sûr que ça convienne pour la formule de politesse veuillez agréer....")

Réponse : Cover letter/ correction de nia234, postée le 04-04-2021 à 16:11:17 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup et encore désolée de vous avoir dérangé.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais : Questions sur l'anglais

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