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Expression écrite/ Branksy

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais : Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Expression écrite/ Branksy
Message de fannyb posté le 05-04-2021 à 02:02:36 (S | E | F)
Je dois faire une expression écrite sur l’œuvre de Branksy intitulée "Branksy Self Portrait". Je trouve que mon texte est bizarre au niveau des temps.. Pourriez-vous me partager donner votre avis sur celui-ci s’il vous plaît ?

The artwork is entitled "Branksy Self Portrait", painting by Branksy in 2007. It deals with a seated person wearing a white sweatshirt, white tracksuit, and holding a knife in his right hand. Furthermore, we can distinguish a bloodstain in the shape of a rose on the left side of his sweater. The face of the person is hidden by the hood of the sweatshirt, but because the title ("Branksy Self Portrait"), we can guess that the person on the art work is Branksy. The Branksy's occupation is a street artist, an illegal occupation. In addition, the style of the artwork is a street art since it was drawn in a wall of a street, black and white hues are represented in majority in the work. Furthermore, the viewers may feel afraid watching the graffiti owing to the anonymity of the person and the fact that a knife and blood are represented. This work alludes to death, murder, we could even interpret a form of suicide since the knife is directed towards Branksy's wounded chest. Moreover, viewers can also fell some emphaty since the author of this street art is represented blessed in the heart, and the fact that the author is sitting can mean that he has not much energy and so he is about to die. In my opinion, Branksy wants to give a dark and gloomy image of himself, he sacrifices himself to denounce and raise awareness about various issues, he would be a kind of vigilante at first sight who goes against the law to convey messages. However, the wound in his chest proves that he is actually a rather sad person. Indeed, Branksy turns his emotions into his work, it explains why the wound is also a rose.

Bonne journée

Modifié par lucile83 le 05-04-2021 07:49

Réponse : Expression écrite/ Branksy de gerold, postée le 05-04-2021 à 10:58:17 (S | E)
Bonjour fannyb

The artwork is entitled "Branksy ce n'est pas tout à fait le nom de l'artiste Self Portrait", painting by Branksy in 2007. It deals with a seated person wearing a white sweatshirt, white tracksuit, and holding a knife in his right hand. Furthermore, we can distinguish a bloodstain in the shape of a rose on the left side of his sweater. The face of the person is hidden by the hood of the sweatshirt, but because the title ("Branksy Self Portrait"), we can guess that the person on the art work is Branksy. The Branksy's occupation is a street artist, an illegal occupation. In addition, the style of the artwork is a street art since it was drawn in autre préposition a wall of a street, black and white hues are represented in majority maladroit in the work. Furthermore, the viewers may feel afraid watching the graffiti owing to the anonymity of the person and the fact that a knife and blood are represented. This work alludes to death, murder, we could even interpret a form of suicide since the knife is directed towards Branksy's wounded chest. Moreover, viewers can also fell ce n'est pas le bon verbe some emphaty orth. since the author of this street art is represented blessed ne signifie pas "blessé" in the heart, and the fact that the author is sitting can mean that he has not much energy and so he is about to die. In my opinion, Branksy wants to give a dark and gloomy image of himself, he sacrifices himself to denounce and raise awareness about various issues, he would be a kind of vigilante* at first sight who goes against the law to convey messages. However, the wound in his chest proves that he is actually a rather sad person. Indeed, Branksy turns his emotions into his work, it explains why the wound is also a rose.

* Regardez la définition de "vigilante", je ne pense pas que cela s'applique au personnage :
Lien internet

Réponse : Expression écrite/ Branksy de fannyb, postée le 05-04-2021 à 14:55:49 (S | E)
Bonjour, merci pour vos suggestions

The artwork is entitled "Banksy Self Portrait", painting by Banksy in 2007. It deals with a seated person wearing a white sweatshirt, white tracksuit, and holding a knife in his right hand. Besides, we can distinguish a bloodstain in the shape of a rose on the left side of his sweater. The face of the person is hidden by the hood of the sweatshirt, nevertheless, thanks to the title ("Banksy Self Portrait"), we can guess that the person on the artwork is Banksy. He is a street artist, an illegal occupation. What’s more, the style of the work is a street art since it was drawn on a wall of a street, black and white are the dominant hues in the artwork. Furthermore, the viewers may feel afraid watching the graffiti due to the anonymity of the person and by the fact that a knife and blood are represented. This work alludes to death, murder, we could even interpret a form of suicide since the knife is directed towards Banksy's wounded chest. As well, viewers can also feel some empathy as the author of this street art is represented wounded in the heart. On the other hand, the fact that (peut on enlever le that?) the author is sitting can mean he hasn’t much energy and thus he is about to die. In my opinion, Banksy wants to give a dark and gloomy image of himself, he sacrifices himself to denounce and raise awareness about various issues, he would be a kind of denunciatory at first sight, who goes against the law to convey messages. Nonetheless, the wound in his chest proves that he is actually a rather sad person. As a matter of fact, Banksy turns his emotions into his work, it explains why the wound is also a rose.

Modifié par fannyb le 05-04-2021 16:04

Réponse : Expression écrite/ Branksy de gerold, postée le 05-04-2021 à 18:34:52 (S | E)
As well, viewers can also feel some empathy as the author of this street art is represented wounded in the heart. On the other hand, the fact that (peut on enlever le that? oui) the author is sitting can mean he hasn’t much energy and thus he is about to die. ...he would be a kind of denunciatory (c'est un adjectif, employez le nom : denunciator) at first sight, who goes against the law to convey messages. Nonetheless, the wound in his chest proves that he is actually a rather sad person. As a matter of fact, Banksy turns his emotions into his work, it explains why the wound is also a rose.

Réponse : Expression écrite/ Branksy de fannyb, postée le 05-04-2021 à 19:06:57 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour vos conseils, j’espère un jour avoir un aussi bon anglais que vous !

Modifié par fannyb le 05-04-2021 19:07


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