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Study Plan/correction

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais : Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Study Plan/correction
Message de mimi555 posté le 28-04-2021 à 12:07:18 (S | E | F)
Bonjour tout le monde
Je candidate a un échange; pourriez-vous m'aider avec mon study plan s'il vous plait ?
Je vous remercie !!!

To the *** University

Dear Sir, Madam,

I am currently majoring in Business Management in the **** in France. During my studies, I had the opportunity to follow a lot of subjects including Organizational Management, International Environment and International Market, Business Strategy and Intercultural Management. I was really interested in international subject and it flourished my desire to carry on international business management studies. I believe that learning in a multicultural environment, far from our home country, is the best way to understand the issues and challenges of this field.

I have already spent an exchange semester in Germany which brought me a real personal enrichment. But I believe that another exchange would bring a unique experience with the learning of new knowledge, skills, the discovery of another pedagogical approaches and the possibility of improving English as well as Korean, which is a language I have been learning on my own for the last few years.
I am choosing the *** University because I am aware of the opportunity it represents to spend a semester in one of the top-ranked universities in Korea which offers a wide range of qualitative subjects in English. And I believe that it would be an incredible experience to expand my network in a city as culturally interesting as Busan.

After my studies, I would like to work in the international development of the companies or more precisely in the international logistics field. It's essential to have a broad view of global business, and your program allows that through its wide range of courses. I would be honored to spend a semester into your university. I am genuinely eager to learn, and I believe that I can really learn a language if I can be in an environment where I could practice constantly.

I would be most grateful if you would accommodate my request.

Yours faithfully,

Réponse : Study Plan/correction de gerondif, postée le 28-04-2021 à 14:12:19 (S | E)
Erreurs en bleu.
On dit : The inspector is waiting for you mais Inspector Columbo is waitinfor you, le nom propre remplace le déterminant, donc si vous mettez le nom de l'université à la place de vos ****, il est possible que le the soit de trop.
I studied English for 5 years at Dijon university, at the university of Dijon.

To the *** University

Dear Sir, Madam,(mettre Sir avant Madam peut sembler macho, pourtant , vous êtes une une)

I am currently majoring in Business Management in the **** in France. During my studies, I had the opportunity to follow a lot of subjects including Organizational Management, International Environment and International Market, Business Strategy and Intercultural Management. I was really interested in international subjects and it flourished(choix de verbe) my desire to carry on international business management studies. I believe that learning in a multicultural environment, far from our home country, is the best way to understand the issues and challenges of this field.

I have already spent an exchange semester in Germany which brought me a real personal enrichment. But I believe that another exchange would bring a unique experience with the learning of new knowledge, skills, the discovery of another pedagogical approaches(another sera suivi d'un singulier, other serait suivi d'un pluriel) and the possibility of improving English as well as Korean, which is a language I have been learning on my own for the last few years.
I am choosing the *** University because I am aware of the opportunity it represents to spend a semester in one of the top-ranked universities in Korea which offers a wide range of qualitative subjects in English. And I believe that it would be an incredible experience to expand my network in a city as culturally interesting as Busan.

After my studies, I would like to work in the international development of the companies or more precisely in the international logistics field. It's essential to have a broad (broader) view of global business, and your program allows that through its wide range of courses. I would be honored to spend a semester into (spend n'étant pas un verbe de mouvement, into est impossible) your university. I am genuinely eager to learn, and I believe that I can really learn a language if I can be in an environment where I could practice constantly.(orthographe anglaise : to practise is a verb, practice is a noun)

I would be most grateful if you would (could) accommodate my request.

Yours faithfully,


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