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quelques phrases en anglais a corriger (1)

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quelques phrases en anglais a corriger
Message de laolao posté le 23-02-2008 à 14:22:48 (S | E | F)

bonjour je m'apelle laura j'ai ecrit des phrases en anglais mais je pence avoir fais pas mal de fautes si quelqu'un pourrai me dire les bonne tournure se serait fantastique

1/I think he's right to feel worry about his frankness and of bad she makes because by means of make suffer the others and specially the person who love him he'll stay alone

2/ the headmaster treat Sam like his son in law he spoil him and do everything he wants even give him 10 more days to make the test certainly for Sam's judjment is better

3/ Sam didn't like the headmaster's performance he told there's no need to continue his lesson it was already lost

4/Sam says that he thinks and don't care about the feelings of the other and specially his wife and his colleagues because he knows them , he allows himself to bless them .
To be frank is a quality but it's necessary to use the good words .

5/ Sam worry about the headmaster's note because he didn't make an important test which was to realize at home .

6/ finally Sam was wrong the headmaster wanted to invit him to listen to his music and have an opinion.Sam is a very frank person so his headmaster chose him to criticize and judge his new group correctly

7/ the headmaster decide Sam give him the test the following day and Sam think about the evening and the time he'll need to do his 1OO papers

mercii infiniment

Réponse: quelques phrases en anglais a corriger de tomtom1001, postée le 24-02-2008 à 15:27:36 (S | E)

Pour faciliter ta correction, la ponctuation aurait été la bienvenue!!!!!

-I think he's right to feel worry about his frankness(1) and of bad she makes because by means of make suffer the others and specially the person who love him he'll stay alone(2)

1-je préfère "honesty"

2-Je ne comprend absolument pas ce que tu veux dire??????????

-the headmaster treat(1) Sam like his son-in-law he spoil(1) him and do(1) everything he wants even(2) giving him 10 more days to make the test(3) certainly for Sam's judjment is better(4)

1-tout ces verbes sont à la troisième personne du singulier... il leur manque quelque chose!!

2-ce n'est pas le bon abverbe... je pense que tu as voulu dire jusqu'à... je te laisse chercher la traduction!!

3-"test" = contrôle
devoir écrit = "essay"

4-je ne comprend pas ce que tu as voulu dire???

-Sam didn't like the headmaster's performance(1) he told(2) there's no need to continue his lesson it was already lost

1-ce n'est pas le bon terme!!

2-"tell" est toujours suivi d'un COI, donc soit tu dit "he told him", soit tu dit "he said"!!

-Sam says that he thinks he doesn't care about the feelings of the others and especially from his wife and his colleagues because he knows them , he allows himself(1) to bless(2) them .
To be frank is a quality but it's necessary to use the good words .

1-"allow" = "permettre"
"se permettre de..." = "to take the liberty to..."

2-"to bless" = "bénir
blesser = "to hurt"

-Sam worry(1) about the headmaster's note because he didn't make an important test he had to realize at home .

1-c'est la troisième personne du singulier!!!!!

-finally Sam was wrong the headmaster wanted to invit him to listen to his music and have an opinion. Sam is a very frank(1) person so his headmaster chose(2) him to criticize and judge(2) his new group correctly

1-je préfère le mot "straightforward", je le trouve plus joli...

2-c'est la troisième personne du singulier!!!

-the headmaster decide(1) Sam give(1) him the test the following day and Sam think(1) about the evening and the time he'll need to do his 1OO papers

1-c'est la troisième personne du singulier!!!

Voila... bye... tomtom


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