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Correction d'exercice (1)

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Correction d'exercice
Message de topique posté le 23-05-2009 à 14:24:46 (S | E | F)

Pourriez-vous corriger ces exercices d'entrainement svp?

I) poser les questions:

1-Question: What would he leave to his children?
réponse: He would leave his land to his children

2- Question: what are they not allowed?
Réponse: they are not allowed t rule themselves

3- Question: What does he give to the swhineherd?
Réponse: He gives six loaves to the swineherd

4- What does the overseer get?
The overseer gets all the grain that falls at the door of the barn

5- What did the land need?
The land needed steady work

What did the destitute depend on?
the destitute depended on the alms of the charitable

7- What were they engage in?
Whey were engaged in tilling the land

8- What were huntsmen rewarded for?
Huntsmen were rewarded for their services

9- What did they catered for?
Whey catered for their pleasures

10- Where did they sing?
They sang in the ale-houses

Je précise que ce sont les questions, donc les premières phrases qui sont à corriger, les réponses sont toutes correctes (enfin normalement :D )

II°) Actif/passif

1) he had inherited land from his ancestors > this land had been inherited from his ancestors
2) he claimed compensation for trespass> compensation for trespass was claimed
3) the lord supplied him with two oxen> he was supplied by the lord with two oxen
4)He must plough one acre> one acre was must plough

5) He keeps a stag-hound> a stag hound was keep

6) He drives his herd to the mast-pasture> his herd was drive to the mast-pasture
7they slaughteref many beasts in automn> may beasts were slaughterd in automn

8) Asser mentions King Alfred's goldsmiths> king alfred's goldsmith were mention by asser
9) they use the church holidays for feasts> church holidays were used for feasts

10 they tracked stolen cattle> stolen cattle were traked

cette fois-ci ce sont les secondes phrases qui sont mes réponses

Merci d'avance pour l'aide que vous pourrez m'apporter.

Réponse: Correction d'exercice de kolimang, postée le 24-05-2009 à 09:25:36 (S | E)
Bonjour topique,

Voici quelques observations sur votre travail :

I) poser les questions:

1- ok si la question doit porter sur "his land"

2- Question: what are they not allowed? (je pense que la négation est mal placée et que tu dois insérer le "to" dans la question)
Réponse: they are not allowed to rule themselves

3- ok si la question doit porter sur "six loaves"

4- ok si la question doit porter sur "all the grain that falls ..."

5- ok si la question doit porter sur "steady work"

6- ok si la question doit porter sur "on the alms of the charitable"

7- What were they engage in?
They were engaged in tilling the land

8- ok si la question doit porter sur "for their services"

9- ok
They catered for their pleasures

10- ok

II°) Actif/passif

1) he had inherited land from his ancestors > this land had been inherited from his ancestors
2) he claimed compensation for trespass> compensation for trespass was claimed
3) the lord supplied him with two oxen> he was supplied by the lord (à déplacer, je pense) with two oxen
4)He must plough one acre> one acre was must plough

Phrases 5 et 6 : Attention à respecter le temps du verbe de la phrase de base, et attention au participe passé des verbes irréguliers!

7) They slaughtered many beasts in automn (autumn) > many beasts were slaughtered in autumn

Phrase 8 et 9 : Attention à respecter le temps des verbes

10 they tracked stolen cattle> Stolen cattle were tracked.




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