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Extreme sports

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Extreme sports
Message de misschtibiloute posté le 05-05-2010 à 17:46:04 (S | E | F)

Bonjour à tous toutes
pouvez-vous m'aider s'il vous plait à corriger mon essai ?
Merci d'avance à tous ceux qui m'aideront.

Voici le sujet : Do you approve of people who do extreme sports? what are their motivations? Do such sports appeal to you?

ma rédaction :

A sport is known as extreme if its practice exposes to serious wounds in the event of errors in its exercise, whether it is on sea, in the sky or on ground.
Practice of the extreme sports fascine. The exploits of the women and the men who devote themselves to it make dream. The individual prowesses existed always and fascinated crowd.
But today, by the passion of the public and the effect of the media, the extreme sports became a social phenomenon

indeed nowadays, more and more of people want to make extreme sports but which are their motivations? they are numerous: to push back its limits, or simply by curiosity. the development of the extreme sport is explained by the research of oneself and the value of the existence, by the attraction of the ultimate risk and confrontation to death. One must distinguish the professionals and the amateurs because the risks are the same ones but the difficulty changes. The extreme sports are numerous: on sea: water skiing, scuba diving, surfing. in the sky: the parachute in freefall or jump with the éslastique one. or on ground like the skateboard, karting.

besides justifybeing justified, it is necessary to have good equipment and especially of good protection as a helmet, protect-elbow and sometimes of the combinations to limit the wounds at the time of chutte. these sports are dangeureux for us: one can break menbres or bones and same to keep continuous pains that can same end in death.

I am not however fan of these extreme sports I already practiced water running white water rafting and I liked much. however I am always afraid when I practice these sports. Moreover the body, under extreme conditions, reacts on the plans cultural, physiological and genetic. The sportsman is helped by a multiplicity of medical councils and average techniques, helps sometimes that its pride prohibits to him to accept.

Modifié par lucile83 le 05-05-2010 17:49

Réponse: Extreme sports de gerondif, postée le 05-05-2010 à 18:00:40 (S | E)

essayez d'affiner un peu votre traduction parce que la machine fait des boulettes navrantes: par exemple:
des moyens techniques: votre machine traduit: "average" la moyenne, dix sur vingt, et ça ne veut rien dire.

avoir de bonnes protections: "de"(quantité) ne peut pas être "of" (appartenance)
certaines lignes ne sont comprises que si on les met mot-à-mot en francais, exemple:
helps sometimes that its pride prohibits to him to accept.
des aides quelquefois que sa fierté lui interdit d'accepter.

le hasard fait q'un post voisin traite du "bungee jump" (saut à l'élastique !)

Retravaillez un peu et repostez !

As a diving-instructor, I wouldn't say that scuba-diving is an extreme sport, the safety-rules are very strict, and many more people die in car-crashes than in scuba-diving accidents !

See you soon !


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