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Correction/Marée noire

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction/Marée noire
Message de jaquel12 posté le 27-01-2013 à 15:40:14 (S | E | F)

Qui peut m'aider à corriger une partie de mon texte SVP s'il vous plaît?

The black tide due to (ou caused by) oil (s ou non) spill in the sea ...
It also has important financial consequences, which can be estimated at several billon (avec ou sans s, la
règle disant que non) in ou on spending to try to contain the spill...

Merci infiniment à tous.

Modifié par lucile83 le 27-01-2013 15:40

Réponse: Correction/Marée noire de kadzona, postée le 27-01-2013 à 18:30:50 (S | E)
I can't offer you a lot of help, except to point out that, in France, "la marée noire" was the term coined to describe a major oil spill at sea. In current British English, we don't have an equivalent: when it happens, we call it "an oil spill". Far less poetic or picturesque.

Réponse: Correction/Marée noire de notrepere, postée le 27-01-2013 à 18:32:53 (S | E)

The black tide is due to an oil spill in the sea ...
It also has important financial consequences, which can be estimated at several billon in spending to try to contain the spill...

Réponse: Correction/Marée noire de gerondif, postée le 27-01-2013 à 18:44:03 (S | E)

The oil spill (nicknamed by the French "the black tide") is spreading on the surface of the sea.....

It also has important financial consequences, which can be estimated at several billions of euros/dollars/pounds spent trying to contain the spill...

It also has important financial consequences, which can reach an estimate of several billions of euros/dollars/pounds spent trying to contain the spill...

Les adjectifs numéraux sont invariables et précis:
Two hundred and ten victims.
ten thousand, two hundred and twelve victims.
two billion dollars: deux milliards de dollars pile!

Mais les noms communs prennent le pluriel, ce sont alors des quantités non précises, le mot est au pluriel et suivi de of:

Dozens of people died (des dizaines)
Hundreds of people died! (des centaines)
Several thousands of people died!(plusieurs milliers)
Millions of people died: (des millions de gens)

Réponse: Correction/Marée noire de jaquel12, postée le 28-01-2013 à 00:05:29 (S | E)
Merci à tous pour ces intéressantes explications.
Bien cordialement


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