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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Aide/ oral
Message de clay posté le 12-05-2017 à 22:09:15 (S | E | F)
Je passe mon oral de BAC en anglais dans une semaine et j'aimerais si possible que quelqu’un corrige mes fautes d orthographe,de temps et si possible si vous penserz à des choses que je pourrais rajouter. Merci d'avance pour les personnes qui m aideront.

Fight Club
I am going to present you the movie " fight club ", in a first part I shall speak to you about the movie then in a second part I shall speak to you about the story of this movie and to finish I would speak my mind of this movie.

His movie is a psychological thriller got out in 1999 played by Brad Pitt and Edward Norton, the movie showcasing the impressive physique of Hollywood’s heartthrob , Brad Pitt

Jack, the hero of the movie played by Pitt, seeking to add excitement to his monotonous life, soon meets up with Tyler Durdan played by Edward Norton, a smooth talking salesman whose glamorous lifestyle immediately appeals to Jack. Durdan introduces thrill-seeking Jack to the clandestine lifestyle of secret fight club. Together, they embark on an action-packed, adrenaline-pumping adventure full of six-pack abs, bulging biceps and the torso that made Pitt a Hollywood legend.

This movie is a bit difficult to follow until we learn of Jack’s schizophrenia. I would recommend this movie to looking for a fast moving action-packed adventure, albeit a strange one.

Modifié par lucile83 le 13-05-2017 07:34

Réponse : Aide/ oral de kazwell, postée le 12-05-2017 à 23:18:04 (S | E)

His movie . wrong pronoun.
Ton oral d'Anglais étant la semaine prochaine....ce texte est largement insuffisant en terme de quantité et qualité.
Je te conseille de t'inspirer en regardant d'autres posts sur le forum pour avoir une idée générale de ce qu'est une préparation pour le bac
on ..peut à la limite t'aider au niveau de la correction des fautes d'orthographe,vocabulaire,grammaire....mais les idées doivent venir de toi .
Allez , tu peux encore te rattraper si tu fais un extra effort , bonne chance

Modifié par lucile83 le 13-05-2017 07:46

Réponse : Aide/ oral de clay, postée le 13-05-2017 à 20:26:31 (S | E)
J'ai rajouter quelque informations:

Fight Club

I am going to present you his movie " fight club ", in a first part I shall speak to you about the movie then in a second part I shall speak to you about the story of this movie and to finish I would speak my mind of this movie.

The movie Fight Club was directed by David Fincher, is an adaptation of the novel "fight club" written by Chuck Palahniuk in 1996 His movie is a psychological thriller got out in 1999.The main actors are Edward Norton, Brad Pitt and Helena Carter. The movie showcasing the impressive physique of Hollywood’s heartthrob , Brad Pitt.

Jack, the hero of the movie played by Pitt, seeking to add excitement to his monotonous life, soon meets up with Tyler Durdan played by Edward Norton, a smooth talking salesman whose glamorous lifestyle immediately appeals to Jack. Durdan introduces thrill-seeking Jack to the clandestine lifestyle of secret fight club. Together, they embark on an action-packed, adrenaline-pumping adventure full of six-pack abs, bulging biceps and the torso that made Pitt a Hollywood legend.

This movie is a bit difficult to follow until we learn of Jack’s schizophrenia. I would recommend this movie to looking for a fast moving action-packed adventure, albeit a strange one.

Réponse : Aide/ oral de kazwell, postée le 13-05-2017 à 21:14:27 (S | E)

Si on te demande de parler de fight club , alors ce que tu dis peut être pertinent , mais on parle d'un bac d'oral là ! A moins que ma mémoire soit déjà déficiente , il y a 4 notions principales à préparer...le fight club n'étant aucune d'elles.

Réponse : Aide/ oral de gerondif, postée le 14-05-2017 à 10:33:34 (S | E)
là aussi, l'introduction est de vous, mais ensuite, c'est la traduction d'un "pitch" de film, une annonce publicitaire en langage survitaminé, ça n'a rien à voir avec les notions à présenter au bac. A moins que le professeur vous ait demandé de tenir 5 minutes en parlant de ce que vous voulez.....
erreurs en bleu
Fight Club

I am going to present you his movie " fight club ", in a first part I shall (démodé)speak to you about the movie then in a second part I shall speak to you about the story of this movie and to finish I would speak (vous avez mis un conditionnel (je parlerais) au lieu d'un futur (je parlerai) my mind of this movie.

The movie Fight Club was directed by David Fincher, is an adaptation of the novel "fight club" written by Chuck Palahniuk in 1996 His movie is a psychological thriller got out in 1999.The main actors are Edward Norton, Brad Pitt and Helena Carter. The movie showcasing the impressive physique of Hollywood’s heartthrob , Brad Pitt.

Jack, the hero of the movie played by Pitt, seeking to add excitement to his monotonous life, soon meets up with Tyler Durdan played by Edward Norton, a smooth talking salesman whose glamorous lifestyle immediately appeals to Jack. Durdan introduces thrill-seeking Jack to the clandestine lifestyle of secret fight club. Together, they embark on an action-packed, adrenaline-pumping adventure full of six-pack abs, bulging biceps and the torso that made Pitt a Hollywood legend.

This movie is a bit difficult to follow until we learn of Jack’s schizophrenia. I would recommend this movie to looking for a fast moving action-packed adventure, albeit a strange one.

Réponse : Aide/ oral de clay, postée le 14-05-2017 à 18:31:49 (S | E)
Bonsoir pour plus d'infos je suis en Bac professionelle et nous devons présenter des sujets que nous avons choisi et non des notions comme géneral.(on doit tenir 5 minutes).


I'm going to talk about movie " fight club ", in a first part I shall speak to you about the movie then in a second part I shall speak to you about the story of this movie and to finish I will be speaking my mind of this movie.

The movie Fight Club was directed by David Fincher, is an adaptation of the novel "fight club" written by Chuck Palahniuk in 1996 His movie is a psychological thriller release in 1999.The main actors are Edward Norton, Brad Pitt and Helena Carter. The movie showcasing the impressive physique of Hollywood’s heartthrob , Brad Pitt.

Jack, the hero of the movie played by Pitt, seeking to add excitement to his monotonous life, soon meets up with Tyler Durdan played by Edward Norton, a smooth talking salesman whose glamorous lifestyle immediately appeals to Jack. Durdan introduces thrill-seeking Jack to the clandestine lifestyle of secret fight club. Together, they embark on an action-packed, adrenaline-pumping adventure full of six-pack abs, bulging biceps and the torso that made Pitt a Hollywood legend.

This movie is a bit difficult to follow until we learn of Jack’s schizophrenia. I would recommend this movie to watch a fast moving action-packed adventure, albeit a strange one.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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